Minerals and Electrolytes


Minerals are always important. They are used to build your body, such as: bones, muscle, tendons, teeth and more.

Almost as importantly, minerals are used to detoxify certain toxic compounds, such as: heavy metals, pesticides, toxic supplements or other toxins that bio-accumulate in the body.

From a Primal point of view I can do my best to explain how this works. But I don’t want to get into exact mineral balancing because I am not qualified to say which ratios are which.

I am simply going to explain the importance of minerals, how to get minerals from a Primal point of view, then show which foods are highest in each mineral and electrolyte, such as: sodium, magnesium and calcium.


I tried to get most of these values in their raw state, but a few show in their cooked form, which is less than it would be in their raw state. Like raw milk is hard to find info on its nutritional status.


Calcium helps support your bones and teeth. It also plays a role in blood clotting, helping muscles to contract, regulating normal heart rhythms and nerve functions.

Symptoms of too much calcium include…

  • Digestive symptoms like nausea, vomiting, poor appetite or constipation

  • Increases thirst or more frequent urination, due to changes in the kidneys

  • Muscle weakness or twitches

  • Changes in how your brain works, such as feeling tired or fatigued or confused

Causes of too much calcium…

  • Too much vitamin d (usually through supplements) because it increases calcium absorption

  • Too much calcium in your diet, mostly occurs when someone is taking 2000 milligrams calcium bicarbonate supplements along with high doses of vitamin d

  • Excess PTH released by the parathyroid glands due to an enlargement of one or more of the parathyroid glands or a growth on one of the glands (benign)

Best sources of calcium

  • Cheese. Hard cheeses like Parmesan have 242mg (19% DV) per ounce (28 grams). Softer cheeses like Brie only has 52mg (4% DV). Obviously, I don’t recommend eating salted cheese because it will dry out and damage your nutrients/cells and cause the poisons to be reabsorbed. You also need to eat honey with the cheese at a maximum ratio of 1honey - 3cheese, even less honey is best because too much may damage the minerals or use them as solvents. To use cheese as a detoxifier you need to eat it unsalted and raw. This will act as a sponge in the intestines to attract toxins to the stomach to pass out the bowels. It is highly recommended to eat unsalted raw cheese 15 minutes before a meal to absorb the poisons in the gut so the minerals in your meat or vitamins in the butter are not wasted.

  • Milk One litre of milk contains 1200mg of calcium (120% DV). ?s

Drinking no milk and eating only butter

Yeah. You can do that for a little while, but you know, you're gonna lower your mental intake. You're going to be fasting to some extent for nutrients that are needed in the body. Because our system, our environment is so toxic with heavy metals that we need a phenomenal amount of minerals to chelate, magnetically attract to them. Lock onto them, so they don't do damage in the body, and if you're not eating milk and you're not eating cheese, you're going to be mineral deficient.

There is no way we can get enough minerals in our bodies that we can digest and assimilate if we don't eat milk and cheese.


Meat is the best and most bioavailable source of magnesium

Magnesium occurs in all food. High in parsley and green leafy vegetables, high in milk, it's high in cheeses, all dairy products are very high in it.

Meat is your best source of magnesium. Just remember that you don't need all of those counterbalancing minerals when you're eating a raw diet. When you pasteurize, even when you just take the milk up to 141°, you cauterize 50% of the calcium to balance that toxic mineral and the potassium is destroyed at like 97°. It's altered 97 degrees.

So, you have all these mineral imbalances. You have to have a lot of other minerals: potassium, magnesium to deal with all of these cauterized minerals. When you're eating it raw, there's no excessive need for calcium, and excessive need for magnesium or potassium.

  • Pork (1 lb) 109mg (35%F, 27%M DV)

  • Chicken (1 lb) 127mg (42%F, 32%M DV)

  • Salmon (318g) 86mg (28%F, 21%M DV)

Don’t eat because it is GMO from toxic farmed salmon escaping and breeding with the wild. (Up to you at the end of the day)

  • Anchovies (153g) (63mg 20%F, 16%M)

  • Crab (241g) (87mg 28%F, 22%M)

  • Oysters (1 cup) (117mg 29% DV)

  • Milk (1 litre) (111.2mg 28% DV)

  • Avocado (each) (58mg 14% DV)

Avocados are high in fat, mostly monounsaturated and fibre, containing 10 grams per avocado. This makes them quite hard to digest, only about 50% will be digested properly.

  • Bananas (one large) (37mg 9% DV)

Bananas are known for being high in potassium, but they are also a great source of magnesium, containing 9% of your daily value.

Also, they are pretty high in sugar when ripened, which will convert into alcohol and cause detox. It is best to consume them when they aren’t too ripe, they should be half yellow and half green.

  • Dried Figs (1 cup) (101mg 24% DV)

  • Dates (1 cup) (16% DV)

Butter and dates are a great source of energy.

  • Kiwi (1 cup) (31mg 7% DV)

  • Papaya (1 cup) (30mg 7% DV)

Papaya contains the proteolytic enzyme papain, which is used to digest protein. Unlike pineapple, which will actually build the bones and the spine; papaya will detox the joints and the spine. It is the best source of digestive enzymes.

  • Blackberries (1 cup) (29mg 7%DV)


Women should get 2,600mg and men should get 3,400mg of potassium every day.

Potassium can help flush excess sodium out of the body, which can cause high blood pressure. It also relaxes the blood vessels which can prevent high blood pressure.

  • Salmon (100g) (628mg 13%DV)

  • Avocado (each) (975mg 21%DV)

  • Milk (16 oz, 500ml) (732mg 16%DV)

  • Banana (1 cup) (537mg 11%DV)

  • Carrot Juice (1 cup) (689mg 23%)

  • Orange Juice (1 cup) (500mg 16.6%)

  • Salmon, mackerel, halibut, tuna and snapper all have more than 400 milligrams of potassium in a 3-ounce filet

  • Mango (each) (323mg 11%DV)

  • Chicken (1 lb ground) (3072mg 130%M, 90%F DV)

  • Pork (1 lb ground) (1642mg 71%M, 48%F DV)

  • Ground beef (1 lb ground, 20% fat) (1215 mg 40% DV)

All meats and fruits are pretty high in potassium.



Concentrate like salt in the blood. Let's say you have three little bitty grains of salt.

In a body about 5' 8'', about 140 pounds. You will increase the concentration of sodium molecules in the blood to where they clump in about four to five in a clump.

So, what happens when the cell opens to eat H20? It'll try to pull that sodium cluster into itself and it can't do it. What happens is the magnetism is so great outside that it pulls the ions, which means it pulls the guts out of the cell and the cells can never eat anything again. So, it shrivels like a raisin and dies. And one little grain of salt will destroy 1 million red blood cells that way from clumping, clustering.

You won't even see it, it's about head of a pin but still you have a lot of it over and over 50, 60 years. That's a lot of destroyed red blood cells.

Therefore, you don’t want to eat salt in the form of rock salt. You want to eat it in sodium from food, except in rare cases where you have adrenal fatigue

If you can get up out of your chair, you do not have adrenal exhaustion. If you have adrenal exhaustion, like I say in the book those are the only people that I ever recommend salt for, but that's only three little bitty grains a week.

Sodium is an electrolytes that produces electrically charged ions. Most of the sodium in the body is present in the veins, and it is also in the fluid around the cells. It maintains the equilibrium of these cells.

Sodium is needed for your muscles and brain to properly function, it also manages body-fluid balance. Your kidneys help regulate sodium in the body, which is done by regulating the amount of sodium in your urine. Furthermore, sodium is released through sweating.

Many vegetables are high in natural salts, therefore vegetable juice is a great source of sodium.

  • Celery (1 cup, juice) (215mg, 9% DV)

  • Carrot (1 cup, juice)(155.8mg, 6.8% DV)

  • Beet (1 cup juice)(190mg, 8.3% DV)

  • Eggs (1 cup, 4.86 eggs) (340mg 14% DV)

  • Milk (1 cup) (100mg 4.4% DV)

  • Oysters (6 medium) (367mg 15% DV)

  • Scallops (100g) (667mg 27% DV)

  • Clams (100g) (1202mg 50% DV)

Highest seafood in sodium


Phosphorus makes up 1% of your total body weight, it is the 2nd most abundant mineral in the body. Every cell in the body contains phosphorus and it is mostly in the bones and teeth.

  • Ground Beef (1 lb, 90% lean) (830 mg 67% DV)

  • Chicken Breast (100 grams) (213mg 17% DV)

  • Eggs (1 cup) (464mg 46%)

  • Yellowfin Tuna (6 oz) (566mg 81% DV)

  • Scallops (3 oz) (360mg)

  • Milk (1 cup) (225mg 33% DV)

  • Porkchop (6 oz) (515mg 80% DV)


The roles of selenium include, but are not limited to…

  • reproduction

  • function of the thyroid gland

  • production of DNA

  • protecting the body from free radicals, which are unstable cells that move around the body and can increase the risk of diseases, including cancer

  • protecting the body from infection

Animal foods are generally a great source of selenium. People living in China, Russia and Europe are at risk because their soil is generally low in selenium. Furthermore, people who eat vegan or vegetarian diets in these regions are further at risk or just follow those diets in general.

  • Yellowfin Tuna (3 oz) (92 mcg 167% DV)

  • Milk (1 cup) (8mcg 11% DV)

  • Halibut (3 oz) (47mcg 85%DV)

  • Liver (3 oz) (28mcg 51% DV)

  • Eggs (one egg) (15mcg 27% DV)

  • Skirt Steak (4 oz) (26mcg 47% DV)

  • Oysters (1 cup) (158mcg 226% DV)

  • Porkchop (6 oz, lean) (80.6 mcg 147% DV)


A teaspoon a day. Just remember, if you have a lot of vinegar, you're going to decalcify, demineralize your system. So, you have to eat enough cheese to keep up with that.

If you're having a teaspoon of vinegar, I would say you need to eat at least 3 tablespoons of cheese in a day.

Milk Too High In Minerals

Well, you also have to understand you were a big milk drinker. You didn't eat a lot of meat for the first three years on the diet. You mainly ate milk and didn't eat much meat and much butter. You were a milk drinker.

Milk is highly concentrated in minerals, low in fat, not high enough in fat for the toxic as we are. So, you just kept collecting a lot of minerals with poisons. And when it comes out to the joints, it will cause tremendous swelling.

Minerals Build Up

You're too thin. You have nothing to arrest the uric acid, which is a byproduct metabolism. So, what your body does is uses calcium and other minerals to bind with those acids, and they cause crystals things. Cause more stiffness.

You can either gain more weight or you could also drink some whey in the sport drink or drink whey by itself. Have a little vinegar, that helps break down uric acid. Any of those.

Pineapple Builds Bones, Citrus Demineralizes

Grapefruit doesn't react as badly, and also pineapple actually helps mend the bones and reverse osteoporosis. The Tangerine, the orange, the lemon, the lime will help deteriorate the bones.

Chicken and lemon is fine because there's enough substances in there for the lemon to work on. It's not gonna damage the mineral balance of it unless you have it too often.

f you eat it every day for three days, it's not going to cause mineral deficiency. If you ate it every day for 10 days, you better believe you're gonna start having mineral deficiencies.

It depends upon the individual. If your teeth start getting more sensitive, you are having too much lemon. Your gums start getting sensitive, any part of your body starts getting sensitive. You've had too much citrus, back off.

The lube formula has such a small amount of it in relationship with the fat.

That's why it usually doesn't harm marinated fish, because you have the fats to utilize the citric acid. In the process of utilizing fat as energy or as utilizing it as a solvent to dissolve toxins in the body, the body uses 80% fat, 15% proteins and 5% citric acid or alcohol the body will make by fermenting carbohydrates in the system.

Fats are usually accompanied by a lot of minerals. All fats are concentrated with minerals, nothing to worry about, but if you use a lot, like some people use an awful lot of lemon juice to marinate their chicken and they're eating/drinking all of that lemon use along with it, they're going to create an imbalance. Fat and mineral deficiency, it's going to start leeching it out of the body.

Mineral Supplements

People sell you mineral supplements, you're eating rock. You could do better by eating dirt than you will assimilating any kind of rock in those tablets or in powder form. It's also poisonous. Those minerals are what trees and plants eat. They digest by causing fungus, which is rust, rust breaks down metal, they eat metal. That's their process, we don't. That's highly toxic to us.

Rusts are toxic. The worst-case incidents of disease created by rust is what? Lock jaw.

Rusts are not for human consumption. So, every time you take a mineral supplement in a tablet form, or powder form, you're eating rock, that is not on our diet. There are some chairs there. You can just open them up, open them, open them down. So, used to those preposition phrases.

Vegetable Juice

The vegetable juice is your vitamin, enzymes and mineral supplement. All bioactive, all very utilizable and let me tell you, four glasses a day fat exceeds the mineral concentration that your body could even use in one day, unless you were an athletes, working out 5, 8 hours a day.

Those people I have taking 16 ounces of juice at a time, 4 to 5 times a day. Sometimes a quart at a time if you're six foot something tall.

Oysters Detox Heavy Metals

Oysters are very helpful. It's funny, oysters have the ability to take some of the most toxic substances and they build it in the shell, rather than bring it into the body.

I had one of the most toxic people that I'd ever seen, grew up under an airport and she was loaded with metal poisoning.

And I said if you eat three dozen oysters a week, you could probably eliminate- because she was going through fibromyalgia really bad. So, she barely had enough energy to get outta bed every day. She ate three dozen a week for an entire year. She got rid of one third of her metal poisoning in one year. I've never seen anybody do that before. She was diligent.

There's something about the cell of an oyster that can take a mineral from any substance and make good out of it.

Farmed Oysters

All oysters and clams are farmed raised. However, all that means to a oyster and a clam is that they have a fence that blocks off a part of the ocean, and they're now allowed to claim that as their farm, so people can't trespass.

The only thing that they do is not natural; sometimes they'll take the offspring, separate it from the mother and plant it in different areas, but they don't feed it garbage. They don't feed. It's only fed what's naturally in the ocean because they found out they screw up their reproduction and they don't reproduce it if they feed them. So, it's completely natural except for the fence.

Jars Pre-Shucked Oysters

Well, the jars are glass, so that's fine, but it's still probably better to have them fresh. That means it’s still alive.

Clays Can Be Toxic

Just remember that clays are toxic. I built a hot tub out at my place big concrete one. And I wanted to color the cement, so I got natural oxide to color it, but what happens is after you know, about five or six days of that water settling in there oxides started coming into the water and I started getting symptoms.

And the way I found that out was because I let the algae grow and after it turned green and was very thick, all of a sudden, it started to turn yellow. So, the cadmium oxide was a part substance of that natural clay when I put in the cement, so it was killing the algae. It was turning yellow and dying.

So, um, I'm debating whether I'll tile it now.

So, even natural clays can be toxic, you just have to be careful. If there's cadmium in it, it's a yellow clay without a lot of iron in it like [unclear]. [unclear] doesn't have enough iron in it to chelate to the cadmium.

So, you just have to be careful. I've learned so much in the past six months of studying this clay, I'm still not satisfied to be able to provide.


In summary, you need to eat a balance of fats and minerals, not too much of one or the other. For example, if you eat lots of cream, it will actually deplete your minerals. Or if you eat a lot of cheese and honey it will replenish your minerals, but if overdone it can dry you out and make you fat deficient if you aren’t eating the proper fats, like butter.

Minerals, such as: calcium, magnesium, or phosphorus are important to detox toxic compounded, such as: heavy metals and mercury.

When your body has a toxin in it, it uses a lot of calcium, phosphorous, potassium and magnesium to bind with the toxin. The example is, you plaque on your teeth and why does the body build plaque on the teeth? Because when the brain detoxifies its heavy metals, it does it mainly out the gums and the tongue.

You don’t have to worry about mineral balancing on a raw diet and you don’t need excess minerals because they are not destroyed from cooking. 50% of calcium is destroyed by heating milk to 141°.

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