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Well, I have a bunch of questions, but one thing is no matter how I prepare chicken in all your recipes, my wife won't eat it, and I think she needs it. I'll eat it. I like it.
What's what's going on?
Why won't she eat it?
She doesn't like it. Even if I do the tomato and chicken soup thing, extra honey in, it makes it like candy, she still won't. I don't know.
Did you blend it? Did you take it and put it in a like 10% chicken with beef and put it together food processor and then make a dish of it?
She'll never know it's in there.
So, just put it in a beef dish?
Just trick her.
Yeah, just only 10%. She won't be able to taste it. Any more than that, she'll taste it.
[Attendee #2]
But that's kind of not without the person's consent.
He's making the food for her and she wants it. She needs it. I've seen her as a patient. She needs it. I told her she needs it.
[Attendee #2]
So, it's just a matter of she confronts it, she rejects it.
Yeah, but I have some clients who are that way and I tell them to blend it with red meat, and they'll never know.