Whey - What To Drink it With



food combining

vegetable juice


uric acid



So, you said that you should be careful with it, but how careful should I be with it? How much should I?  


Well, I think that anybody who has whey, especially more than twice a day, should have it with vegetable juice. So, you have 4 - 8 ounces of vegetable juice, you have about three ounces of whey, and if you've got high toxicity, something like this, you might want to put a teaspoon of Terramin clay in it, and a teaspoon of chlorella. 


So, in other words, I could have a little bit of whey with almost a quarter vege juice? 


Well, like I said, you could add 4 – 8 ounces of, of vegetable juice with3 ounces of whey. 




Yeah, together. It’s because the whey is highly acidic with all the lactic acids in it.  


What is the benefit for it? 


The whey helps get rid of urea, uric acid that builds up that causes muscle cramping also causes after exercising to get sore. That’s urea, that's uric acid that builds up in the muscles, so whey helps get rid of that. 

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