What Percent Of Vege Juice Is Green - Functions of Juice



vegetable juice




With other vegetable juices what do you recommend outside of your usual juice?


Well, what I say is if you're going to do those things, do it no more than 5% of your juice and I say that in the recipe book. If you're gonna use kale, leeks or anything like that, never more than 5% of your juice to be on the safe side.

There could be athletes who could use 10% if you're a heavy exerciser, which would be fine. But again, the cheese is to absorb minerals with honey and the vegetable juice is just to use those minerals to neutralize the over acidity in the bloodstream from all the toxicity from the cooked foods for all the years of cooked foods.

And there are books out there that will tell the benefits of vegetables Walkers juice book, he tells the benefit of what some juices can do. Now, I didn't find all of the same when I was experimenting with various vegetable juices and herbs for that short year and a half period. I didn't find that it always coordinated with what he thought it did. I think that because I knew Walker, he was more theoretical than experimental and didn't back up, he didn't do the experiments, he didn't do the lab work that I used to. Still, I do some, uh, but it's mainly just looking at a microscope, but I don't go into a laboratory and mix anything, I send those tests to be done now, I don't even walk into laboratory.


So, in one way, you're saying that it's okay to experiment with juices, but you haven't really-


Don't overdo it.


Like what if I wanna make 32 ounces of beet juice and drink it two days later? And.


That's probably not gonna cause a problem.

Beet juice, when women drink beet juice and it's near their period, they bleed excessively, red cabbage juice will do the same thing, cause severe bleeding, will also also cause ulcerations. The green cabbage will do just the reverse, will slow the flow of the menses and heal ulcerations and stop bleeding.

When you take something and you concentrate it, you better be careful. You can do it, just let me know what you experience. I'll take the info. Be my Guinea pig.


I don't want this take the digestion time to digest salads right now.


You can't digest them.


What do you mean I cant'?


It takes a herbivore.


I know that, but I wanna experiment with other vegetables right now in the juice format and I have been doing it. I have been experimenting with turnip and beat and kale and parsley and my celery in there. I go through phases and that's kind of what I'm doing right now. And kind of what I'm asking is you know, me, I do what I want to, I don't follow anything particularly, but what kind of advice can you throw at m because I'm going through this phase where I'm still eating the raw meat and the milk and everything.

What kind of advice can you throw at me since I'm going through this juicing phase? I'm just doing a lot of juicing. I like juicing every two or three days, I'm drinking like 16 ounces once or twice a day. I feel like I'm putting minerals into my body, you know?


But just like I said, when your body uses the minerals from the vegetable juice to neutralize toxicity and over acidity in the blood and the rest of the system, then you can use the minerals in your meat and dairy to rebuild and strengthen your body, but you cannot use minerals, well you can, but it's not as healthy. Your races are weaker who use a lot of your minerals from vegetation as your base cellular construction needs. Whereas the tribes and the animals who use animal tissue, the minerals in animal tissue and animal fluids, like milk to build their systems are a lot healthier and a lot stronger. They handle heat better and everything.

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