What Aajonus Washes Face With




coconut cream



You can wash your face and then put it on after you wash your face.

I wash only with coconut cream, fermented coconut cream. It's the best soap.


Fermented, not regular coco cream?


Well, if you use regular Coco cream it won't be quite as soapish because the fermentation, the alcohol's in it help make it a soap.


So you ferment it by leaving it out?


Yeah. I just leave it out on the counter with no refrigeration, I do leave a top on it.


How many days?


Three, four days. It'll have a bad odor. It'll go through a period of a foul odor. It's not real foul, but a foul odor. After about 9 to 10 days goes back to coconut odor again.


He put Gerolsteiner on his face first.


Well, that was to help cleanse it, but I don't suggest Gerolsteiner anymore, unless you can get in glass.


I do, I'm trying. When I called, she said, we do send it in plastic and glass. So, I have to call it again tonight and see what she says.


Well, I haven't seen it in this country.

Every other country I've seen it in glass, but this country.


At Whole Foods they have it in glass.


Which Whole Foods?


The one in Sherman Oaks, they have it in glass. They have it in glass.

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