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weight gain
weight loss
15 to 30 pounds overweight in a three-month period, and then to take it off in a three-month period. You also remember last session two months ago, I had told about several people who were doing it in a six-to-eight-week period. They gain the 15 to 30 pounds in the six-to-eight-week period and take it off in a 6–8-week period.
Those people have been getting well faster.
So, it's time for me to start taking it off?
[Attendee #2]
So, taking it off means just eating less fat?
It's eating less food. Period.
Well, what I do is have people eat depends upon the individual, but basically you have some juice, wait till you're very hungry, you have an egg, wait till you're very hungry again, have green vegetable juice with lime juice in it (rind and all and all juice), then you wait.
So, you're having juice, egg, juice, egg, juice, egg, all day long, but you have to get very hungry each time you eat. The next day it's juice, either a golf ball to an egg size amount of meat.
So, it's juice, meat, juice, meat, juice, meat, and depends upon the individual. I may put people on two days of the juice, egg, juice, egg, and then one day of juice, meat. Other people I'll put two days of juice, and meat, and then one day of juice and egg. Depends upon the individual.
And no cream and no milk?
Milk, one glass every four days.
If you're getting whacked, if you're getting unstable or unhappy or crazy. Just one glass of milk and that'll stabilize.
[Attendee #2]
Because of the calories?
Because of the calories, yes. Cause your body to get hungrier and you'll.
[Attendee #2]
I throw the egg into the milk because I don't like to eat it.
Well, on the detox diet it's about having the egg alone or else it's gonna take you a lot longer to lose the weight.
[Attendee #2]
Maybe that's why it's taking longer or not?
No, I haven't put you on a detox diet yet. I need you to gain all the weight that you've gained before I'm gonna put you on.
[Attendee #2]
Should I still not do this then? I'm still okay the way I am?
Yeah, you're doing fine, but we should start taking it off because you're just the right weight to start taking it off.
[Attendee #3]
On the weight loss program, do you use the honey to help digest the proteins as well?
You only put the honey in the juices.
[Attendee #3]
Okay, because part of your program, you use the honey to help digest your proteins.
But you don't want any help now, you want your body to do it.
[Attendee #3]
When you take your three eggs after your juicing, the beginning of the day, you have them take the rocky style. Can you chase it with milk?
When you're not on a detox diet, that's fine.
But you're only eating one egg at a time on the detox diet.
[Attendee #4]
Am I on the detox diet?
No. You've been on a strengthening, gaining, and stabilizing diet.
You told me about with the honey that I could have as much as I wanted.
But that's you.
I'm still detoxing?
No, you need to stabilize and gain.
Yeah, but I'm still retaining. So, is the retaining part of the detox?
No. Let me put it this way. It's confusing what I just said, when you're stabilizing and gaining, you're really detoxing at the same time, cause your body's gonna get the fats in there and go pull out, loosen the toxicity and then grab it, stabilize it with the fats.
Then I need you to detox that from the body. Not detox it from the tissue. So, the stabilization gaining process is pulling out all the garbage, then removing it. The detoxification is to detoxify. It's like changing your oil. So, one is the detoxing of tissues and one is the detoxing of the fat that's already arrested the toxins.
So, I'm at a stage now where I can start the detoxing, like you just said?
Correct. Detox the fat that's collected to the garbage.
You can do it just for a few days and then do back?
No, you have to call me. That's a personal thing, so we'll do that separately.