Washing Clothes









If you have anything, like material like cashmere material. What do you do? Can you wash it in the washing machine? Is it gonna shrink? Cause it says on the label wash by hand.


I wash wool, I wash silk and everything in a washing machine, but you put it inside a pillow case. Put your, your sweater or your item that is wool, that's a hair.

So, to keep it from shrinking, keep it from stretching out of form. You put it inside a pillowcase, you rubber band that shut and you wash cold water and you do not dry it in a dryer. You have to lay it out.


You take a rubber band? How many times do you have to wrap it?


You take us your pillowcase, you open it, you put the sweater inside of it, kind of leave it open. Don't have it folded in there, it's kind of out. Put it in there, so you've got this pillowcase with this way up the top. You wrap a rubber band, until it's around there tight.


Oh, but how is the water gonna go through?


The water goes through the material.

I use Biokleen and I use their cleaner degreaser. It's made with grape seed oil and orange peel oil. I use it for everything, it works perfectly. It's a concentrate and it's causes less pollution, and I only have to use like a tablespoon per washer load.


If you use any more, it's bad?


You're polluting, and you're also gonna get more detergent in your clothes.


Oh, so no more than a tablespoon for wash load wash load?




But if you have only one item to wash, like you said, the sweater.


Then use just cap, a teaspooni f you're putting it in a washing machine. But there are other things you might be able to wash in cold water, and you can wash other things with that sweater.


Like what, like anything red?


Well, yeah, anything that's colorful that you wanna wash in cold water?


I wouldn't wash a white sweater on red.



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