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Raw vegans, they look sick.
They are sick.
The amount of meat you're suggesting may be a little much for me, but I've done yours for 3 years and I've never felt better and the raw vegans, where's the synergy? At some point, we're on the same path. We're not eating the McDonald's, so where's this synergy like, how do we,
Well, I don't know if you subscribed to my newsletter, I talked about the raw food event that we had in Hawaii in November and the woman who put together the spirit festivals, a real wired woman and the guy who ran was a young Italian boy who found raw foods and helped himself very well.
He put the thing together and he invited me and my group and people from Australia. So, you saw the group of my people who were there who were good and muscular and all the skinny guys. And of course, whenever anybody on my diet went in competition, they won.
Cause it was supposed to be the raw Olympics and that's what it was originally called. And I said, then you're talking about competition, so I got them to call it the raw games. Took me a couple of months to get them to change that over, but happy and the other group were nuts with our raw meet table. I mean, they went crazy about it.
[Attendee #2]
They were upset?
They were very upset.
Not because I wanted to hide ceviche, but because I just wanna get into a debate about why I was eating raw fish.
[Attendee #3]
There was an awful lot of judgement
The start of the festivity was we are here for peace on earth, and peace in the world and then they move into all this judgmental bullshit.
I used to walk around with a camera called and everybody assumed I was a vegan. Meanwhile, I'm on the primal diet the whole time and I went to New York and reviewed raw food restaurants raw vegan cuz there is no primal raw. I have a contact to be the chef, but so they all assume that I'm gonna gonna vegan raw. It's not even worth getting into a discussion.
They didn't even let me on the main stage to speak. The guy that was in charge let happy be in charge, so she didn't let me up on the stage. After it was over and somebody brought that to his attention, I don't give a shit. Happy to be able to see all my people wipe all those people out in competition.
In fact, I said, you probably don't want to involve yourself in too much of competition because you will steal it up.
I've had a lot of them drink raw goats milk.
Well, you know, David Wolf, he's drinking raw milk and eating raw dairy. I told him eight years ago, I said, "David, you wait, you're gonna hit that seven year wall and you won't be eating the diet you're eating". He says, "Oh, that's not true".
When did you tell that?
I told him that eight years when I met him in San Diego, when he first started gung ho on the diet.
So, what happened/ Seven years and three months, I get a call from some people who worked for him in New York and said, "He's drinking the raw milk and eating the raw cheese now. He started on the raw cheese first". And he doesn't tell anybody. he didn't mention it all at that festival in Hawaii?
They're, they're asking me on the side. I have the camera, but when the camera is off, they're telling me on the side. It's okay. I do a little raw goats milk, a little raw dairy.
It's sad because there's a lot of those vegetarians, raw food vegans who were scatterbrained because they don't have enough pyruvate. I mean, terribly scatterbrained and they're not emotionally stable. I remember when I talked to David that that week they came to my table. I was at a Whole Foods Whole Life convention in San Diego and I was there as a raw primal eater with all my meat and dairy. And this group of six vegetarians, David Wolf was one. He wasn't speaking, cuz he was new to it, but the guy who was speaking, I forgot his name and he's going on me. And I'm talking calmly about the situation. Why, when I did that, it didn't work for me, and I had to go to raw protein and lots of animal fats to be stable and to bring myself back, cuz I kept getting skinnier and skinnier, I went down to 118 pounds without fasting and I was eating everything balanced, according to the vegetarian raw food way and it just did not work. And they're arguing with me, arguing it, and they all started foaming at the mouth a little bit. When somebody gets angry, they get a little white bubble and even when I was a vegetarian and I get in a heated conversation, I would do that.
You were a vegetarian?
Oh, I was a vegetarian for six and a half years. So, I hit the, the seven year ark six months early, the seven year wall. So, here they were and they said, "Don't, you know, that that's creating violence and everything?" I held the mirror up and I said, "You tell me who's violent and who's calm here?"
They really looked at each other and they walked away, they never ever hassled me again.
[Attendee #2]
I just came from a raw festival, I thought they looked great. Just came home just this morning. I came back and I don't see any of the guys you were talking about, these people were great.
Well, you're talking about very young people on an early raw food diet. We're talking about people who hadn't been on it very long, Like David Wolf, it took him seven years to hit that. The people who stay on a raw food vegetarian diet have an attrition rate of 92%. That means 92% of the people who are on a raw, vegetarian diet drop out because they can't sustain it. 8% can and those are the few people who can do that for a while.
Look at David Wolf, the amount of energy he used to have and then the less energy he got, the more you go into super foods. Chocolate with theobromine, caffeine, all these foods to charge them because they had no energy. Right. Right. So, if you have been to the Huawei festival, almost everybody was long term vegetarian, very weak.
He sent me a picture. The picture is amazing because I thought Aajonus took this picture to make this guy look good and everybody else looks skinny, but it was actually taken by Lulu paper. Yeah. Make everybody else look skinny and him look healthy. No, it wasn't him. It was, uh, you thought middle my guy for three years, right?
That photographer worked for Pahoa paper out of the big island of Hawaii. She was standing on the side and watching the line of runners go and my runner just happened to be right in the center. He's got all these muscles, he's running, everybody else is skinny and he's taking off.
It's in my newsletter, one of the newsletters, I think December.