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There's cruciferous vegetables that are so healthy for you. That's a problem. The cruciferous vegetables that are so healthy for you is a problem, And that's the problem. I thought how can you go to work or anywhere if you are eating a lot of this or.
Well, we're not, we're not made to digest that.
They will cause gas. What do you eat?
What do you eat with it to counter the effect of it?
You don't, you have vegetable juice, vegetable juice is what you have, so you're not having whole vegetables. Let's say you have a salad, you could eat some avocado with it, that would reduce the gas.
So, basically cause either whether it's cooked or not, it's the cauliflower, the broccoli, the-
They'll cause gas with or without being cooked. We're not meant to digest them.
The healthiest vegetables are the worst?
Right, but you can have them as juice, you don't need the fiber. If you're an all-raw diet, meat diet. You don't need any fiber.
Fiber is there for people who eat cooked foods because the foods have no vitamins and enzymes to properly digest. Peristalsis is reduced by 2/3. So, the food doesn't move it petrifies, especially meats when they're cooked. So, what happens is you eat vegetables with it, to help get some vitamins and enzymes and broom it through.
But on a raw diet, whole vegetables will constipate you. They'll create the opposite effect because what happens is, an herbivore has a digestive tract 2.5x longer than ours. They have 60,000 times more enzymes to disassemble the cellulose molecule to obtain fats and proteins. They have 2 to 4 stomachs. We have one.
So, what happens is we digest only a third of the vegetables, and that's mainly juice for the vitamins and enzymes and minerals. So, what happens is by the time it gets down to the colon, it's still producing the alkalinity. The bowel has to be entirely acid or the E coli won't feed on the fecal matter, and then we get constipated.
On a diet like this, like all carnivores, they don't eat fiber, yet they move all the time. Unless they eat vegetables, feed them vegetables, it prevents the bacteria from feeding on the fecal matter and sponging it out. A normal bowel movement for a human being should be 60% to 80% bacteria, mainly E coli. That swells it up and sponges it, the byproducts of that are B vitamins and amino acids and the Verotoxin, which shrinks tumors.