Urine In Meat - Grain Fed Meat




grain fed

grass fed

cow diet



You bite it and eat it. Like James, the beef, he doesn't have that urine taste. You know, like the muscle meat won't have that urine taste.  


I can always taste. It taste it in every meat I eat.  

I'm very sensitive now, I can taste it in everything. Grain fed animals don't have as high because they have more starch to bind with the ammonia.  

When the animals killed, urine rushes back all through the bloodstream. It gets into everywhere, and all the meat. That's why it has a slight ammonia taste that I can detect on any meat except animals that are fed heavy grain. They have a lot of starch to bind with that ammonia, and it blocks the taste.  


Is grain fed animals better than grass fed? 


No, but I like some grain fed. 

Now, when you see a cow out in the field, if he's in a field where the grass grows naturally, he won't eat the fresh seeds off of the plant.  

He'll eat the green leaves around that doesn't carry the seed, but then you see him go down, and pick off the dried seed right off the top of the dirt. 

He picks, and eats dried seed, that is normal. They're grain eating animals, as long as it's dried grain. So, I think that all animals should be slightly grain fed.  

When they're fed hay, they don't get any- it's always cut. They cut the alfalfa before it goes to the seed or after they cultivated the seed, so they can plant seed for next year. The alfalfa is still without seed. So, they're feeding these animals, grass fed animals that don't get any grain, and that's one of their natural products. So, I don't agree with this all-grass fed. 

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