Unwashed Eggs



amos miller



She just wanted to know unwashed eggs versus washed eggs. Apparently you said something, but she wants to hear it from you.


Okay. Unwashed eggs. I get unwashed eggs whenever I can because they use a detergent: it destroys some of the bacteria, it deprives the egg of the ability to reproduce, and it does stop the bacterial growth inside the egg from the outside in. So, I like bacteria. Bacteria's 99% of any organic function of any animal. So I want bacteria, I want as much as I can get. So, unwashed eggs. I mean, people see me go in Asia, I buy this chicken shit egg, and I go like this and suck it out, and they go *Shocked*.

"You're gonna get salmonella and die. And I said, "How many chickens, how many animals do you see around going around licking each other's butts with the E coli n the feces?I'm just having it off of the egg".


Are Rawsome eggs okay?


They're okay. There's no soy in them. No soy, important.

They wash them. I try to get them not, but she's afraid.


They told me that they don't wash them just the other day.


They wash them. They'd have chicken shit all over 'em.


If you wash 'em with just water, would that be okay?


It's okay, but you still destroy bacteria. Water is a solvent.

There's a protective coating on an egg, even when it's just washed with water, it's removed.

[Attendee #2]

And you should never refrigerate eggs, right?


Never refrigerate eggs. If it's in the refrigerator already, get 'em out of the refrigerator.


Amos eggs are better than cause they don't wash it?


He listens to me.

[Attendee #3]

How much better are his eggs than regular unwashed eggs?


Well, Amos raises his chickens the way I want. He takes the guts from a butchered animal, throws 'em out on a pallet, lets the flies lay all their maggots, the birds peck and eat the rotten meat and the guts and everything in them and the maggots. His chickens follow you around like cats and they'll rub up against you. They never peck each other. They have everything they need. They are a happy, wonderful, healthy chickens.

[Attendee #3]

He doesn't give them any feed either does he?


No, he gives them sprouted in buttermilk or whey or some kefir. He gives them some sprouted grains like oats.

[Attendee #3]

How much better is gonna be an egg from a chicken that eats as much meat as Amos's do as your typical eggs were getting around here from Rawsome and the farmer's market?


Considerably better.

[Attendee #3]

Worth going out of your way for or a little bit better?


Considerably better, worth it. Definitely worth it.


Where are they?




So, a long drive.


Well, yeah, but I mean, we can have them sent. David has them shipped out here and you connect with David, you can get some of the, and some of those eggs are completely rotten.

[Attendee #3]

What did you do with that big bunch of eggs you got from Amos?


I ate em all.

[Attendee #3]

Did you let them go rotten first?


No, they were probably half of 'em were already rotten.


What are you doing with all those glass containers up there?


They're gonna get shipped to a co-op in Chicago, I'm waiting to get a pallet. In India they use glasses like that to build homes, incredible homes.

And they'll fill them with different colors of sand, quite remarkable homes. I would do that if I were going to live here, but I'm not.

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