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weight gain
But she never gained as much weight, she was still 10 pounds under. I wanted her to gain 10 more pounds and she wouldn't do it. And this girl, Kimberly at the end, she was vomiting like crazy, like said not as bad as Owanza, but you know, 7 times a day, 8 times a day, and after two and a half months, I had to figure out what she was vomiting. So, I took 4-ounces of her vomit and sent it to a laboratory, and the laboratory called me and said, "Somebody's poisoning your patient". And I said, "What do you mean"? He said, "She has 3000 times the lethal dose of thallium in that four ounces of vomit".
And I said, "Nobody's poisoning her. She was a metal jeweler She made silver jewelry, and burned it right over the Bunsen burner, never wore a mask or gloves, so she inhaled all that thallium. Thallium is a mineral that's almost as toxic as mercury and almost as soft as lead, and it's highly toxic. Not quite as bad as mercury, but nearly.
So, she was just at the end, the tumors stopped forming, everything. She didn't have enough weight, she couldn't eat for the last two and a half weeks. She died because she couldn't eat. If she had just had 10 more fricking pounds, like I tried to get her to do for two years, she would've made it through that crisis.
And that's why I say, if you got a serious problem, you need to be overweight because when you go through that detoxification process, if it's an intense one, you are not likely to make it.