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terramin clay
Do you put green clay in there?
I suggest not. It's not as clean as the Terramin clay and the James sells the Terramin clay now, if you wanna order it, you can go to
Why is the green clay not being considered good for your teeth?
It's okay for the teeth, it just doesn't whiten it like the Terramin does.
For the water tank, it's the gerolsteiner water. Say using 1.5 - 2 cups of the gerolsteiner water, you have a tablespoon of lemon juice, you can use a table spoon of vinegar also helps and table spoon of the coconut cream, and shoot it in your teeth.
I was concerned C02 in the sparkling water. Is that a problem?
It's not that type. It's not a manufacturer one, it's in the well, okay. You came late, I talked about it earlier. In those wells, they've got a water table and they've got a carbon table now and they shoot them into the bottle at the same time.
If you're having CO2 manufactured in a laboratory, like the Coca Cola and Pepsi and all the diet sodas, that is toxic and can even cause headaches.
Are you saying we should no longer use regular cream to brush our teeth?
You can. I'm just giving you the most up to date best. You can brush your teeth with any fat or any clay and fat, but I found that coconut cream dissolves everything better.
Baking soda is a chemical,
You won't use the primal facial to brush your teeth with?
You can do that too. I say you can use any fat formula to brush your teeth.
Some people don't know about what kind of water pick to pick up in the store, these different kinds and sizes, these big sizes.
Whatever size you're comfortable with.
What size is generally better?
I don't know. I've got one that's about this big.
And it's called Waterpik.
What stores carry it?
Almost all department stores carry some too