Tapeworm For IBS










No matter what they eat, even if it's water. They get cramping, severe pain and diarrhea all the time. They live with it every day, every time they eat or drink anything, so it's a miserable disease.

And he gave them the whipworm from the pig, five days later, no digestive problems like that. All the symptoms went away, not even on a raw diet. They didn't change their diet.

Drank a whip worm in gatorade, which the Gatorade neutralized the hydrochloric acid, so it didn't destroy the eggs. So the eggs incubated. They got the whip worm and resolved all their problems. Of course, they were back five, six months later asking for more worms cuz they started having problems again cause they didn't change their diet.

But how does it work? Who knows. There were eight scientists who came out with a report last year that followed up on his work, and they did it for, I think it was 11 years. They did the research on it, and they found that the whipworm produces three chemicals that prevent brain tumors and pancreatic tumors and a whole plethora of chemicals that protect the body and make the environment good.


So, why can't they isolate those and just give you those chemicals rather than have those worms?


It's not infectious to other people?


No, that's all bullshit.


So, when do you recommend them to people?


Anytime you want. But it's hard on a raw diet, it's hard to get them past the hydrochloric acid. So, if it's a high alkanalizing environment that they need to be put in, see, I never thought of that. I put 'em in an alkaline fluid, but I never thought of putting the vegetable juice or something like that to alkanalizing the hydrochloric acid. So, probably be a good idea to eat some cheese first if you want to create a parasite. I have some people doing it now with some pigs intestines to get the whipworm and one of them did it about two months ago.

So, I had him eat the cheese and then eat the intestine with some with some vegetable juice to alkanize his system, so he has no intestinal problems within a week after eating them.

And another man who's 62 years old, who I've been working with for six years on the diet, like me he's had the constipation problem. I got him to get in touch with that person who had the pigs intestine. He said ever since he ate that, hasn't had constipation. Just like that, eating it one time.


Are you gonna market it?


It's against the law.

[Attendee #2]

Yeah, I'm sure it is.


The small intestine. Not the large intestine.


Wouldn't the health department have a field day with that? Because they're so absolutely paranoid about trichinosis.

[Attendee #2]

Isolate trichinosis and sell it *laughs*.


Well, Joel Weinstock did.

He knows how to do it. So, if you want to know how he does it and set up your own pharmaceutical to do it, you're just gonna have to do it underground. Joel Weinstock is at Iowa University. It's in the book, the Recipe Book, and it quotes what he found in that experiment was six people.


But that brings up a good point for new people, just when you can't talk about this guy with people, cause they go freak out. You tell 'em anything like this, they're gonna gp report you to the agency? Your relatives think you're crazy, your friends think you're crazy.


I don't care. I have the health. They don't, so I don't give a shit. And if they say, "Oh, you're gonna get sick and die". I've been doing this for how long now I'm healthy and you're not. That tells me everything. As long as I die healthfully, I don't care. Doesn't matter how many years I live, it's that I live healthfully.

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