Synthetic Vitamins



vitamin e





Those are chemically formulated, they're not natural, and they're never complete and correct. Riboflavin might have 42 components to make it up. They may put third of that, two thirds of that component in there and call it riboflavin.  

Did I mention the, what vitamin E is at the workshop? 

99% of vitamin E is the byproduct of Fiji and Kodaks developing film and it is a highly toxic substance and they used to have to bury it in 12-foot-thick concrete tombs in the ground, in stainless steel barrels. It's costing them hundreds of million dollars a year.  

Because in Japan, they used to just dump it into the surrounding bays and water. 40 years ago, you could drop your film into the local bay and it would develop, it was that bad. And the cancer rate started escalating very high, so they stopped it.  

So, Kodak and Fuji were at an impasse there, so they had to start burying everything. Well, Kodak's been that way for a long time. And then one of their scientists, they kept hiring scientists to try to neutralize, clean up that chemical so that they could be recycled or at least led into the earth somewhere, so when it got into the water system, it wouldn't damage it. They couldn't do it. One of the scientists said, “You know, it's 72% like vitamin E let's call it vitamin E and get everybody to drink it, eat it, we’ll sell it as vitamin E”. So, they called it alpha-tocopherol or just tocopherol and D-alpha- tocopherol is the true food vitamin E. 

So, that's the way they put it. So, FDA said, “Okay’”. So, now 99% of the vitamin E, even the so-called natural in your vitamin stores, they'll put five international units of the natural, mostly from soy, which is toxic anyway. Very toxic, cause the oils that are so poisonous to fowl, the poultry community and the human community is in the oil, the poisons. 

So, they have to chemically alter that oil. That's where the vitamin e is, so you got a chemical again in it, a solvent in it, and a neutralizer. So, the 95 units that correct come directly from Fuji and Kodak are in there. Plus these processed, so-called natural five international units. That's what you're taking.  

To show you what damage it can do, when I was working at [unclear], in Beverly Hills, the big one. Dyan Cannon used to come in and buy two to three bottles of vitamin a week, and I tried to talk her out of it, but she was sold on it just made her skin very translucent and beautiful, but it also did that to her whole nervous system. 

So, did anybody see her biography or movie of the week biography? About 10 years ago, she became a complete basket case, all kinds of psychological problems, drug problems into there from that. And her skin got so thin and she still couldn't stop herself from taking it. That was after two years of taking it a tremendous amount every day, her skin, you could just take it like this and it would tear. 

And she thought that she had some kind of disease. And I said, it’s the vitamin E she could not believe that they would allow Kodak and Fuji to sell this chemical that was poisoning her. You have to understand that a lot of people don't believe what industry will do to make a buck. They don't care, what happens to you. 

They really don't. 

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