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cooked meat
Just remember that there's a difference between the sugar that feeds cancer and the natural sugars that exist in nature. Anytime you use carbohydrate as a sugar in the body as glycogen, you have a 70& to 80% byproduct. If that is a processed, cooked sugar, you have all these cauterized minerals along with it, so that causes heavy plaquing and contamination in the system.
Those irritate and destroy cells. That is carbohydrate damage, a sugar damage cell. That's what destroy cells, body mummifies them, because it can't dissolve them and get rid of them, and that's what accumulates and makes tumors. Sugar destroys more cells in the human body than any other contaminant.
That's why lots of tribes who eat cooked meat don't get cancer because they don't live on sugars. All of the civilizations that live mainly on carbs, grains and stuff like that: have tapeworms, they have cancers, they all kinds of distortions.
Now I've been travelling to Taiwan and Thailand in February, and I just left Costa Rica a few weeks ago and they got these third world people believing that they should not eat meat at all, they should only grains and beans. All of these kids that have babies, you know, 16 and 20, 22 years old, they have these babies? that have no ethnicity to them.
These are children and they all have a gray complexion. They are not well and crisp, you know, vibrant looking. They are white, and gray from these diets. Carbohydrate is the worst thing that human can eat in the form of grains, potatoes, beans. The worst.