Soy Fed Chicken (2)





whole foods

food sourcing



White. And it's also very toxic because humans and poultry cannot eat raw soy. It has enzymes, which will kill us and kill them. So, it has to be heat treated and chemically treated to feed. So, if cows eat it, I'll eat it, but it won't be as tasty. They feed it to birds. I try to stay away from any poultry is fed more than 25% soy. I won't eat it.  

And if I had my druthers, I wouldn't eat any poultry or eggs that were made from soy or grown on soy. 


So, back to where he asked what from what animals do you recommend? Like what farms or what kind of? 


Well, I did most of my meats from the Amish, Amish farmers. Who grow more naturally and aren't heavy into soy. 

[Attendee #2] 

About the question in Whole Food, when you buy a whole chicken, the organs come with it. Can you eat it?  


Well, they don't come with everything. They come with a few things. Come with the neck, gizzard, heart, and liver and that's it. But you can eat those. Like I say the Rocky feeds theirs 25% soy, so it's not best.  

But the so-called Rosy organic, it's a lie.  


And now they're selling Mary, they running out of Rocky. 

They say it's the same thing.  

They almost don't have any Rocky.  


There's only one Whole Foods I found that carries Rocky. They've all given up Rocky, they all carry Mary's now. 


I haven't talked with Mary's, so I don't know, but if Whole Foods is selling it, you know it's shit. 


I did ask and they are feeding Mary's soy.  


You have to find out how much, see when I called Rosy Organic, I said, “You're feeding them 75% soy.” And I said, “Wait a minute, you can't feed soy raw to chickens. You have to chemically, and heat treat it.” “Yeah, but the soy was growing organically.” 

But I said, “Once you treat the soy and you're feeding them the chemical soy, it's no longer organic.” “Well, the FDA lets us call it that.” I said, “Well, let's talk about ethics here.“ They had none. They don't give a shit. They're selling an item and if they can call it anything, they want to call it to make it sell, they will do it. 


Lily’s farm? 


Yeah, they feed theirs some soy, about 20%, 25%. 


What chicken you eat?  


I eat from a chicken farm that doesn't feed theirs any soy.  


Is it from James Stewart.  


Yeah. From James. Either that or Rocky. 

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