Soy Chicken, Getting Amish Chicken





food sourcing



I haven't been eating much eggs. I still feel better when I eat them...


Well, I would just get the best you can.


How do you get them?


You have to call them and ask how much soy is in their feed.


But it's pretty much in there already.


Yeah. It's like Rocky Junior is the best chicken. If I had to eat chicken, I would eat Rocky Junior, as I did before, it's only 25 % - 35% soy. Rosie is 85% soy.


Do you know what Henry's is?


Not now. I knew back then, but who knows. You have to call them every year and see if they've changed.


Because if you feel better on the eggs, what's been your side effect of soy GMO? What does the GMO cause? Cancer?


No, they cause deformities, they cause hormonal imbalances, hey cause severe allergies. In some laboratory, they killed them within 1/3 of their normal life.


It's like I'm feeling better, but maybe I'm getting worse. At what point-


It's like vitamin supplements. They can make you feel better, but in the long run they're gonna knock you down.

Just have to use coconut cream and dairy cream until you get the eggs. Not the same. We have to do the best we can.


How long can you go without eggs?


Well, I've gone as long as six weeks with without eggs in the past.

I've been already talking with the Amish farmers as recently as five days ago and they said they can get it together in 2 - 3 weeks, and ship it to us.


We are gonna order it on phone and gonna get the cheese?


Yeah. I'm going to bring it into LA, I'm gonna have it shipped it into LA and then we can distribute it from there. Just have to have somebody come up and get it or somebody have to bring it down here.

We'll have chickens and we have eggs. There will be, right now, they can supply us only with about probably 30 dozen a week eggs and maybe 20 chickens a week, that's all they can supply. And I said, I need 200 dozen a week , and I need 60 chickens a week. He's going to go to his family of Amish farmers and get their chickens from them so they can haul it all in one place and control the quality the way I want it.

Throw your scrap meats out, of course you got dogs to feed the same way.


You need a rooster.


if you want them fertile, but you don't need them fertile. The reason I put fertile in the book was because you knew that if they were getting screwed, they were all running around and not just in a cage this small.

I tried it up there in Malibu, but the first week the cayotes had eaten all but two.


So, you didn't put a cage?


Yeah, I had a cage, but they broke into the cage. One even went through my, I had a screen door like that one came right through, had a chicken on the screen, and I was right there in the room *laughs*.


It's not just the cayotes, the raccoons will get them. Possums too.


I need a bigger do.


No, the small dogs are good. They make noise. Yeah. Cayotes are annoyed by little dogs and their noise.

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