Skin Tumor



skin cancer


coconut cream





I have a little tumor at my temple here and it's broken the skin, and you say in your book that you should not eat any fruit. And I'm wondering if in the category of fruit you include coconut and tomato?


No. Those are fine. And if you you've got a surface cancer, put vinegar on it. Put lime juice, vinegar, and coconut cream lime.

Vinegar three minutes and coconut cream on top of that for 20 minutes, don't wipe it off for a while.

I've gotten rid of about 30 skin tumors within three months working with that with people.


So, you do 'em separately and one on top of the other?


One on top of the other and you rinse them off in between.

You let one soak in and the other soak in, and then finally the coconut cream doesn't soak in right away. It takes 30 minutes or so before it gets a little sticky and then you can just wipe it off, but don't rinse it off. You want to maintain it.

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