Sick Dog - Don't Feed Vegetables







My dog, Mandy, the little blonde one has been on a raw meat and raw vegetable diet for her whole life.






Why would you give a dog vegetables?


Well, it's mixed in with the organic raw meat.


Not a good idea. It's gonna neutralize a lot of his acids, so he's gonna digest maybe 65% of it instead 100%.


Well, okay she had not been feeling well, so I took her in and they said her blood sugar was so low that it was like she had a glucose secreting tumor in her pancreas, and then I went in for an ultrasound and there was nothing in her pancreas, but they did see that her liver was inflamed as if it had hepatitis.

I've taken her off the off diet and I'm cooking it now cause that's what they suggested that I do. And she's also on immune supporting herbs and carnivore and Manuka honey.


So sad for her. Just take the vegetable out of it cause she's not digesting, she's not making her pyruvate properly with the vegetation in there.


So, if she just goes on a straight raw meat?


Raw meat, butter, little honey.


How do you feel about manuka honey?


I never found a manuka honey that's truly raw.

[Attendee #2]

Does avocado work?


It's okay, it's not an animal product. Dogs and cats need almost pure animal products. Dogs are scavengers, they will eat all kinds of fruit. They won't eat vegetation out in the wild, except for chewing on some grass and then spit out the pulp and that's very, very little, but they will eat dates, they'll eat avocados.

I've seen the wolves and the coyotes and they'll eat dates all day long, and then when they get too sugared out, then they'll go for the moles and everything.

But they're mainly meat eaters, animal product eaters. You give them dairy and then meats. You put vegetation in there and they're not gonna digest the proteins to make the pyruvate. Pyruvate makes the protein sugar.

Wasn't going through her. It was not digesting thoroughly. I tell everybody else don't eat vegetation with your raw meals. If you're having a cooked meal, fine, have a raw vegetable salad with it, it'll help. But if you're having a raw meat meal, you do not want vegetation with it.

[Attendee #2]

So, you should eat your salad in one sitting, or not eat salads at all.


Not eat salads at all. If you're going to have a salad, then you have it the last meal of the day.

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