

coconut cream





Correct, but if I'm using if I want to make shampoo and I'm not using the coconut cream and the water, I use 2 ounces of vegetable juice, green vegetable juice, 2 ounces of milk if my hair is very dry.  

It will condition the hair.  

And a tablespoon of honey, tablespoon of coconut cream.  

Or no milk and just a tablespoon of coconut cream to condition the hair and one egg. 

That's what I put on my hair dry. 

Or you could just use an egg, if you use an egg by itself, and you just wanna clear your hair with an egg, then wet your hair first before you put the egg in it, or your hair will smell like egg.  


Don't you end up feeling a little greasy, I know when I get it on my skin it's really greasy. 


Yeah, but once you get out of the bath and you take your towel over it, it doesn't leave an oily film on, it's just perfect. It's phenomenal. 


So, in the shampoo. How long do you keep the egg on first? 


No, if you're using the egg as your shampoo, you wet your hair first before you put the egg. 


Then you put on the egg? 


Depends, you can put it on 2 minutes.  


But the vegetable juice and the coconut cream, you leave it on for 5 minutes?  


Yeah, I leave it on for about 5 minutes, but then I don't wet the hair first when I use that. 


You have the vegetable juice and the coconut- 


I have the egg, the vegetable juice, the honey, and the milk. I don't wet my hair first.  


The coconut cream you said in place of milk. 


I use a tablespoon of coconut cream in place of milk. If I'm using the vegetable juice, no matter what mixture, if I'm using the vegetable juice in it, I do not wet my hair first. If I'm using just egg, I wet the hair first, so my hair won't smell like egg.  

[Attendee #2] 

Isn't that not good for a vagina for candida?  


I don't have a vagina, so I don't know.  


*Extreme laughter* 

[Attendee #2] 

So, how are you gonna find out the answer to that one? 


It's not a problem. 

[Attendee #2] 

Oh, okay. I thought the honey made it worse? 


Well, what it does is it allows them to procreate faster and eat more of it, but when you get out and the coconut cream is into your skin, it just stops the candida. Smothers it. Takes the effects away. Or you you're not having coconut cream in your bath, then you put the primal facial body care cream from the recipe book. Put that on this area and the itching will go right away. 

[Attendee #3] 

But if you don't put it on your scalp it won't get absorbed by your body? 


It keeps leaking down from your shaft onto your scalp. 


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