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sensitive teeth
coconut cream
Regarding of some teeth of mine. I have sensitive teeth and I had a root canal on one of them, and when I get tired, I notice the teeth or throb
That's trying to clean out the circulation.
And when I brush the sides of the teeth it's sensitive, and I really don't want to go for cleaning. I dread it.
Don't. Just use the vinegar, the coconut cream and clay, and that'll clean them. Also, eat cheese regularly, every hour, little piece of cheese. That will make sure that you're using the minerals from the cheese to bind with the poison, and you're not using the minerals in the food.
So, should I wait to go to the dentist for the cleaning because?
Oh, I wouldn't go for a cleaning. You just use your vinegar.
Well, every six months I go for a cleaning.
Not necessary if you're using the vinegar, clay and coconut cream. It gets a deep down in. Like I said, the clay carries the coconut cream and the vinegar deep into the gums and it dissolves the plaque, so you don't have to have some metal instrument going there and cutting and ripping your gums apart.
How often to do that?
Do it every day if you want.
Instead of toothpaste?
Yeah, that is toothpaste.