Saliva and Blood Alkalinity - Too Much Fruit




blood transfusions




A healthy pH in the intestines is in acidic reading. So, healthy saliva pH? 


Should always be acid, and urine should always be acid. Fecal matter should always be acid. Blood, mine's 5.5 all the time, so it's acidic.  


So, basically everything's acidic? 


Yeah, if you're a carnivore, everything should be acidic, but because we are over acidic from eating cooked foods and all the pollution, you need to help alkalize the blood by having some little fruits and vegetable juice to help keep the alkalization a little higher.  

Also, the Terramin clay helps that because it will help bind and cheese helps bind and hold onto the acidic, caustic metals that cause all the problems, and helps discharge them through the body.  


So, if you have an alkaline saliva pH, does that mean then basically- 


That means you have poor digestion. 


It means that you're getting too many vegetables or drinking too much vegetable juice? 


Absolutely, or you have diabetes, and the pancreas is not working. That would cause an over alkalinity. 


So, a lot of nutritionists that talk about having an alkaline pH are completely on the wrong side?  


Those are the ones that are out in Lala land who are trying to be vegetarians or that think that you should alkalanize everything. 

That came in the 1890s with people like Walker and Eli and those people that thought, "Oh, well, if we eat fruits, we get cleaner. So, that means alkaline". They just made this correlation that stuck that has no science behind it.  

They said alkalizing the system makes people well, because if you eat vegetable juice, you eat fruits, you get healthy. That's the entire correlation.  


So, if you have an alkaline pH, you're saying it's due to poor digestion. 


No, I'm saying if you have an alkaline pH, you will have poor digestion.  


Oh, okay. So, where's the alkaline reading coming from. If it's a saliva pH alkaline reading, where's the alkalization colonization coming from? If it's not coming from high content use of vegetables. How is the pH going alkaline? What's making it go alkaline?  


You've eaten a lot of alkanalizing minerals that are over on the alkanalizing side in your lifetime. 

A lot of vegetarians will for a very long time have an alkaline pH. Owanza had an alkalanizing pH for 12 years. 

She had been a vegetarian for 15 years and she still doesn't digest well because she keeps eating too much fruit. She still keeps to alkaline, she's hyperactive. She cannot concentrate for more than 15, 20 minutes, but like me, she was so sick that when you feel the charge and all that excitement, it feels like health compared to that. 

So, she still embraces all of that hypermanic feeling and activity. I gave it up because it didn't make me think clearly, and also, I was fanatic. So, I gave up that high fruit, high alkaline diet because I didn't want to behave that way.  

She still embraces it. She can't sit still for more than 20 minutes. She can't read for more than a page. She's too hyperactive. She's too high up on a level of activity, that isn't where I want to be. That's where I loved being after being so sick for so long, and I related it to health and a lot of people who get healthy or get hyper eating a lot of fruit, they think that's health. 

They don't realize that they're demineralizing their body every day, every time they eat a fruit. 

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