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high meat
Aajonus, to get back to what you were saying, you're saying that because we're eating a raw food diet and bacteria will not hurt us?
Like I said, there are three ways that the body detoxifies; it detoxifies through solvents.
Your body will take fats like olive oil. Olive oil creates more of it. Peanut oil, any of your pressed oils would create more solvents. 90% of it would be used as a solvent, just like we make solvents out of fats and add turpentine or some other cutter to go in there and cut it and pull it out. The fats collect it.
We do the same thing. We make solvents to go in and clean out the body. There's not as many solvents made with fat that are animal nature
[Attendee #2]
Raw eggs.
Raw eggs. That's an animal nature. It will not make all those solvents. It likes to breed bacteria. Now the solvent process is a difficult one because the byproduct of the solvent solvents that the body makes to decontaminate itself to get rid of degenerative tissue.
The byproduct of that is the most identical to turpentine and it is as toxic. So, what it creates is a very slow way of breaking down degenerative tissue. Your body has to neutralize the byproducts and dump it into the stomach. So, it creates a low-grade nausea and a slight poisoning of the system all the time.
So, it's the kind of people who are lethargic about life. Have no joy about life. Bacteria work two and a half times faster at eating up and getting rid of degenerative tissue than the body can with the solvents.
The third is parasites. Parasites work five times faster than your body can use a solvent. Usually there's not much even experience. Most people don't even know they have parasites until somebody does a test and say, "Oh, you've got parasites". So they take these anti-parasitical dewormers to get rid of them.
They've just got rid of their best friends, their quickest way to get well and the least toxic. They work almost undetectable. So, what happens is these worms then go in there, eat up things very quickly, unless you don't eat the proteins to regenerate the tissue. And that's when people come into problems like in third world countries, again, they don't have meat.
They're living on cereals. They don't get the protein they need to regenerate cells, whether good or bad cells. So, what happens is they ulcerate and they have gut leak and they die. But on this diet, everybody who's had parasites gets well faster than anybody else and has no problem because you're eating the raw meats to regenerate the cells, so that there's no gut leak.
So, you're regenerating cells as fast as parasites are eating.
How do you put parasites in your body?
I've not being able to do it. I've eaten pinworm infested salmon, flu infested brain, and tripe.
So, either you have them or you don't?
Yeah, you either can get them natural or you don't.
Now the reason I don't think that I can get them is because of all the radiation chemo I have, so I think that someday hopefully I will. I've been able to generate bacterias. I can eat rotten meat till it comes out my ears and I will get the bacteria and that's what I did to bring this meningitis on.
You know, I was eating heavily bacteriad meat that was rotten for anywhere from three to six months to generate that.
[Attendee #3]
How do you get your rotten meat?
That's one way to do it, but what I do is I put it in a jar with a lot of airspace in it and then let it rot in the jar in the refrigerator, open it every once in a while, outside so it doesn't stink up the house and then bring it in and then just keep letting it decompose there.
So, I've got bison heart, I've got venison liver. I've got all kinds of things in my refrigerator.
Can you do it with ground beef too?
[Attendee #2]
Isn't that what the Oriental people are doing with their thousand-year-old eggs.
Eggs, yes. They have the century egg and they rot them in the ground from anywhere from 1 to 25 years.
One egg will cost you a thousand dollars if it's 25 years old.
[Attendee #3]
Who gets to eat that egg?
Very rich people, very rich people. And they're either a black mold inside with lots of bacteria or a white mold, black or white and that's the way they come out for the bacteria.
And the Eskimos rot their meats and I mean, they let it sink and they'll bury it in a hide, and the deepest part of it's only 6 inches. They put this rack over it, so the animals can't dig it outta the ground.
[Attendee #2]
Does that cause heavy detoxing or they wouldn't need it?
No, what it does is it gives them so much bacteria to be able to stand the fall and winter.
They sometimes cause a little flus and colds, but they know after they do it, it's a cleansing and they get back.
So, when we go to the market and we're asking for the freshest meat, it ain't necessarily so.
That's right. Like I said, I rot a lot of my meat.
When I want to get stable and stronger, I eat my meat fresh. When I want start breaking down and get it detoxing, I'll eat more rotten meat.
When I wanna regenerate and get stronger. I eat the fresher meat.
[Attendee #3]
Let's say you have scar tissue on your heart or problems with your kidneys. How does the body know to use it to generate a tissue when we rot it outside of our body purposefully and then go to eat it, to take a lot of that stuff out. How does the body know to use that particular tissue to focus on our particular tissue?
I think the body's pretty ingenious. Grew you, didn't it?
The body knows how to do it. The body's a genius.
[Attendee #4]
Greatest chemical plant on this planet.
It is, it's a phenomenal thing what the body can do.
I mean look at our science and still, when we make a bionic person, they can't regenerate themselves.