Removing Teeth Fillings and Teeth Regeneration







So, about six years ago, I got fillings. Not the non-mercury fillings, but like the white veneer, like healthy ones. I called them and asked them what substance was in it and is called Herculite. Sounds great, doesn't it? I really wanna like go to the dentist and get it taken outta my body because I think it'd best to get it out. This one here, your opinion would it be best to get it out? Could you talk a little bit about that?  


The only people that I've ever seen regenerate dentine and tissue when their teeth didn't rot were under 22 years old and they ate a tremendous amount of raw milk. 

Like three quarts a day. So, it took them three years to repair one cavity in both of those people. How many are you gonna have taken out?  


I think like two. 


You're asking for trouble. Everybody else that I've seen has done that and let the tooth exposed ended up with decaying, rotting, teeth, it oxidizes. 

What I do is I keep having fillings and they'll pop out after a year or two and they grow out, the filling will actually grow out because my tooth is filling in on the inside.  

And the dentist is amazed because when he goes in to put the new one in, it's a smaller area and he doesn't have to do any drilling anymore. 

But when I tested and left the filling out completely, the tooth oxidized and rotted and fell outta my mouth. This is the last one I tested and it is doing the same thing. It's rotting.  

[Attendee #2] 

What are you getting your teeth filled with?  



[Attendee #2] 

A particular composite? 


One that I'm biologically not allergic to.  

[Attendee #2] 

You can get yourself tested?  



[Attendee #2] 

Doesn't it still have mercury and bad stuff in it? 


There's so little in that, and when you got an enamel, unless you've got rust in your mouth, it's not going to break down.  

[Attendee #2] 

So, if I just eat good enough of a diet, maybe a bunch of milk like you said, then I can count on my tooth maybe just pop it out and then I don't have to worry about it?  


If your body is re-growing and re-healing, it'll pop out on its own and then consider leaving it exposed. 

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