Remove Amalgams After 2 Years On The Diet









She asked, how about dental amalgams, which have a lot of mercury they're like 25% to 30% mercury. And of course, methyl mercury, even when the solidified crystallized into a metal form with alloys it is still highly toxic, and if it's liquid and it will leak with your body acids and get up into the nerves and go into the brain.

So, when you have those removed, I suggest that people be on the diet at least two and a half years before they do that, because I've known some people, I had one fellow I pleaded with him. He has severe chemical sensitivities and he is getting better and better on the diet, and everybody kept telling him, "Oh, on the internet. Oh, if you have your amalgams removed, it'll change your whole life". I said, "Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. You've only been on the diet 9, 10 months don't do it". He did it, and he's never been the same since, you can't even recover. So, he's having a hard time recovering.

Your body starts pulling the mercury out of the nerves, so you're in a constant detoxification. And for one molecule of mercury, it takes about 1000 white blood cells to 10,000 white blood cells to harness that one molecule of mercury to keep it from doing damage. That takes a hell of a lot of nutrients.


I think you were saying there's no safe process to get rid of them really?


No, you can be safe in your mouth and you may not inhale it, but it's the nerves that are detoxing that have collected all the mercury from all the years that you've had in your teeth.

Most people don't have bad symptoms when they go on to a good diet.

Mercury is the worst toxin, it's the worst animal toxin we have on this planet, then thimerosal is next.

[Attendee #2]

I had one removed and I did feel better after a month and a half.


But that was just one. Maybe you want to have one done every six months, you might get away with it, but still you're at risk if you're in bad shape.

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