Remineralize Cavity








Is there anything you could do to remineralize a decalcified area that's going too far into?


It's very difficult to remineralize a cavity, unless you're very young. I've never seen anybody over 27 years old do it.


So, you have to have it filled?

But I mean is that happening because of all the toxins?


All the toxins. Yep. And you've got to brush every.


Well, yeah!


With coconut cream.


Coconut cream and the clay. Putting the clay on at night.


I wouldn't put clay on at night.


You said you roll-


I said just if you have an infection. If you've got an abscess and you've got pus coming out, you put that in there. Not as a regular thing on the teeth, cuz that'll demineralize the teeth more. The clay will if you leave it on the tooth.


Why would it be demineralize?


Because it's drying, it keeps drawing out.

[Attendee #2]

But you're wet your mouth.


You're wet in your mouth, but do you know how much absorbent clay is? It's continuously absorbent.


I gotta be putting out mercury and heavy metals in that.


Yeah, but if you leave it in there thickly on your gums, it's going to demineralize your dentine.


We've talked about that before, and I thought that was something you were quite heavy about.


I'm happy with you brushing your teeth with the clay, as long as you have some kind of a fat with it.

Especially the coconut cream, especially fermented coconut cream, but I'm not happy about leaving clay on the teeth very often.


But you just see people that didn't like to do it cause they looked messy. That was one, I remember discussing it. We discussed it.


But it wasn't about leaving a lot of clay on the teeth.

Cause it will demineralize the tooth.

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