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weight gain
weight loss
So, I had the consultation yesterday. You said my weight was perfect, but actually I'm probably 60 pounds heavier than I wanna be, and like I played basketball this morning. Like a bull in a China shop. I mean, I feel best probably about 190 pounds, and I'm 270 right now.
And how tall are you?
I'm 6' 2''
5' 7'' & 3/4, and I'm 182 pounds and he wants to be 190. Does that make sense? No.
When I was 18, that's when I was.
That was when you were 18.
Well, anyway. I wanna dump a lot of weight. I mean, you know, exercise and stuff like that.
I wanna get back into playing shape.
Well, would you rather be happy or fit looking?
Well, I was happy when I was down to 200, a couple years ago.
That's when you were a kid.
No, no. Two years ago I was down to 200. I stopped playing for about a year cause I had business and stuff. Yeah, I'm gonna be happy regardless, I'm not worried about that part.
Oh yeah? I saw your eyes, I don't think so.
I can't be unhappy.
Is that going to harm me as long as I'm taking lots of raw fat and stuff, I just exercise?
If you ate every hour, no. If you can eat every hour, if you can eat some fat every hour, you can stay at a lower weight. As long as you don't get injured. Yeah. If you get injured, then you're in trouble. Like when I got injured here, I was up to 192 pounds. I'm 23% body fat. Do I look it? No. Because fat molecules when they're not cooked are very small, very fine and very concentrated. When you cook a fat, it swells 10 to 50 times its normal size. So, I've had nothing but raw fats since 1972. So, the fats in my body are all small, so I can be fat, but not look it. They say that an athlete, male athlete should be 7% to 10% body fat. I'm 23% body fat, three times what I'm supposed to if you look at 7%.
I think I'm about 45% right now.
You're probably 32%, 33%.
Anyway, you can take off some weight, but if you get uncomfortable and start having problems, put it back on, regain it.