Organic Pastures Chills To 32 Degrees and Makes It Bitter


organic pastures




Did you learn something about the milk and the Organic Pastures thing?


Okay. I was curious about Organic Pastures because the milk turned bitter for three solid months and I couldn't stand it anymore. So, I sent it to a lab and had it tested for toxins, even one farmer said that his milk tasted like that once when his worker, wasn't rinsing out a detergent out of the machinery problem.

So, I had to check for everything and it came back completely negative for anything. So, I thought, I don't know what he must be just feeding them some kind of rice bran again and the gibberellic acid is causing the bitterness.

So, I thought that was probably it, but then I ran into a fellow who works for him and we were talking about him and I said, "Well, I stopped drinking that milk five months ago because I couldn't stand it being bitter all the time". He says, "Oh, that's just because you get warm and shipping".

I said, "Claravale gets very warm. I've had dairy for years, 58 years that never went bitter like this. There's something about his mouth". He says, "No, no, no, that's it. Mark says, that's what it is". I said, "Mark doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Claims to be this brilliant dairy farmer, but he is not, he doesn't know much of anything".

And he says, "Well, we chill it to 32°". 32°, freezing temperature. My grandparents were dairy farmers, they supplied all the dairy all the way to Chicago from Sheffield, Illinois for a hundred mile radius all the way over to Chicago. We never allowed the milk to go under 45° because it would've a tendency to go sour or bitter quicker.

So, I wrote mark an email and said, Mark. And I told them about my grandparents and what they said. They said, "If you want to know why your milk is turning bitter, take your milking test it". I can take milk. That's 45° and I can keep them for three weeks without it ever turning bitter, even sour. Once it goes below 45°, you've got a problem.


Well, maybe he listened to you because I bought his milk twice in the past two weeks and it has been good.


Oh, good. Good, good. Thank God.


So, he was freezing it?


Basically was freezing it.


Have a longer lifetime?


Yeah. That's what he thought, but I said, you know what happens is if you freeze it, you destroy the acidophilous bacteria.

So, you have the [unclear bacteria] and Bulgaricus to digestive fats an the proteins, then nothing sweet is digested. So, you have this bitter milk.


The Amish milk is better?


Oh, I love the Amish. I mean, I can get that to turn in two days or even sometimes less than two days in my cupboard into kefir.

[Attendee #2]

I started trying to make my own cheese, and I started with Claravale and it was so easy to get it to do what I wanted. Then I tried the Organic Pastures and it wouldn't do anything it just got weird and gross and too thick too fast and I couldn't control it and then I tried it with the Amish and it was easy.


Can't take it to 32°.

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