Oil Is Detoxifying, Olive Oil



olive oil

coconut oil


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What should I do with the remainder?


What did I just say? You can you swish it


Okay, until I finish with it?



Oil is always 90% detoxifying, so I suggest that people have no more than a tablespoon of oil if it's cold pressed, stone pressed, like stone pressed olive oil, one tablespoon a day. If you're going to have a sauce with it, like a mayonnaise made with the olive oil and you're gonna have a lot of mayonnaise at one meal, then don't have any for three or four days, but keep it to a minimum cuz it will cause heavy detoxification.


Have it with your meat, your of olive oil?


Yeah, you can have it with anything. It doesn't have to be with your meat meal. I prefer oil not being with a meat meal cause I don't want to turn my meat meal into a detoxifier that's what my fruit meal is for.


So, what do you use the olive oil by itself during the day?

Just take a tablespoon?


Well, you could take it with your fruit meal, at the same time as your fruit meal.


Olive oil with, with raspberries?


You can just take your tablespoon of olive oil and eat your fruit meal.


Swish it around your mouth?


You can swish it if you want and spit it out or you can swallow a tablespoon of coconut oil or olive oil and then eat your fruit meal.

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