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nut formula
phytic acid
Earlier you said that nuts weren't good.
I didn't say that they weren't good. I've said that all nuts contain enzyme inhibitors, which prevent you from eating from digesting, utilizing and assimilating protein from 36 to 48 hours after eating it, unless you eat it in a combination with other foods, which inhibits the enzyme inhibitor. So, she has my nut formula, which is nuts, egg honey, and butter, or coconut cream.
That combination. Correct. It has to be raw nuts. Almonds are too difficult to digest the softer ones like walnuts, pecans, pine nuts, sunflower seeds.
What about soaking them?
No, because then you turn it into a vegetable and then you have other enzyme inhibitors that don't mix with what I just described.
[Rest is irrelevant, and I haven't cut the clip yet]