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lactic acid
And what about the walk at the end that you had in the book?
You don't have to do that anymore.
Most people can't do it.
It's still good?
Oh, it'll be wonderful thing if you can do it.
It's only because people can't do it? Not because-,
Yeah, not because it isn't better not to do it.
But there's an advantage if you don't do it too, cuz then you get right under the covers and you stay warm the whole night. So, you're gonna be perspiring more, of course if you're walking hard, but then you're gonna be using your nutrients to deal with the lactic acid that's building up in your exercise.
Could you rebound?
Yeah, you can rebound it.
[Attendee #2]
What happens with lactic acid?
Well, when you have lactic acid, your body has to use a lot of minerals to neutralize that, change it over.