Never Refrigerated Goats Milk



goats milk


replicate cells



Four or five gallons every two weeks.




Yeah, and it's wonderful tasting, so I'm adding that. So, now if I'm adding that, that's kind of taking place of meat.


Absolutely. Very concentrated minerals in the milk.


So, can I maybe cut down down on the meat because of the unrefrigerated goats milk I'm getting?


Explore it and see. I've only found three women who could live on just raw milk with no meat at all.


So, maybe I could possibly even eliminate the meat eventually and just go with the raw goats milk?


You can try and see.


Well, I still like the meat, meats very attractive to me.


When you never refrigerate the milk, you have the growth hormones that are active. As soon as the milk goes below, about 72°, 71°, the growth hormones that are in the milk for the calf go dormant, they aren't utilized the same way.


And even if you just leave it out?


That doesn't make any difference, once it's chilled to that temperature, you can never recreate it.


So, the milk at Rawsome is no good?


No, still it's very healthy, I certainly drink a half a gallon a day, but when I can, I get the raw milk never refrigerated, but that's a rarity. So, I just have eat more more meats: fish and chicken.


And I've got a good source if anybody else is interested, about 25 gallons.

They can get a lot more if you wanna work something out.


Well, I'm too thin. When I have goats milk I lose even more weight. I only recommend goats milk for people who are overweight and people that have sugar problems and diabetes.

And you might find that you start getting pretty thin.


That's part of the motivation.



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