Natural Swimming Pools





About swimming pools. Is there any way to make a swimming pool that's not toxic? 


There are electrical chlorinators. There's electrical charged machines that send an electrical charge into the water and it makes a charged chlorine with no chloroform. 

That's one way. Barbara Streisand just did hers with oxidation, the ozone. To me, that stinks. I don't like that smell on my body. So, I can prefer the electrical chlorinator. There's no odor to it at all.  


What about the water, do you use tap water? 


You're not gonna buy bottled water to put in the swimming pool, unless you're Michael Jackson, he did that. He had Avion put in his, but he didn't mind spending a million dollars to fill his pool. 


Oh, I meant to say you can put the apple cider vinegar with it? 


You can do that. 


How many bottles would you need? 



Depends on how many gallons you would have. 


I have a 24,000 gallon water tank and we've been swimming in it, it's a pond. We have guppies in there. 


Yeah, but do you like me. I have my algae growing in my hot tub. I like it green, slimy. 

[Attendee #2] 

I thought we should those question and answers in the hot tub. 



It'd only fit about 14 people; I think we'd have trouble. Okay. Do you have a question? 


I have this girl with me. I just want to discuss that because within Alaska, they have a law there in order for us to get any Marine mammal, that means the seal. They have to be 1/4th Native American.  


Is anybody here one fourth native American? 

Nope, nobody here. I'm 1/16th, can't help. 

[Attendee #3] 

You could just say a little bit about iridology, how good it is, is it a diagnostic then animalization.  


Don't use the word diagnostic because the medical professionals that work can not, nobody can diagnose, unless they are a licensed practitioner, practicing medicine with a licensed diagnosis. 

So, I never diagnosed, I am. I analyze health, I don't diagnose disease. So that's how we get around that. 

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