




cooked food




How a mushroom works. The mushroom is just a fruit of the mycelium. Mycelium is a solvent, a living solvent, a fungus that goes into the ground and it eats dead roots. That's all it does, it eats dead roots. If it finds an insect with hardened arteries or a dead insect, it can also eat that, but its main purpose is to dissolve dried dead roots of anything, whether tree, grass, bush, doesn't matter what it is, it eats roots. Once it's finished in a location, it will sprout mushrooms for the spores to spread, and it looks for more dried roots to do it.

And of course with grass, you cut it all the time. Like this grass is dead. There'd be a mycelium to break those roots down to free up the soil so you could grow grass again. So the mushroom, when the radioactive material gets into the dirt and gets locked in with the minerals, and the mycelium breaks down it's adjacent roots, and that radioactive material gets involved in the mushroom and the mycelium, and then it's part of the mushroom as it's spores.

If you consume it raw, the likelihood of you having a problem is very minimal.

If you eat it cooked, you're always gonna cause contamination. You've got arsenic, you've got lead, you've got mercury, you've got all of these trace toxic substances in every food you eat. Once you cook them, that makes them available to do damage. Otherwise, they're beneficial.

Small amounts, they are beneficial.

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