Mucusless Diet






About milk and dairy products, it's causing blend phlegm.


That's good. How do you think you expel the poisons through the membrane without phlegm?

Cause the doctors want you to take medication, pharmaceutical house wants you to take medication. And a few guys like Arnold Ehret believed that mucus wasn't good. It was his thing, but he died a miserable, dry, nasty death.


First book I ever read when I was 19 years old was Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System, and that's what convinced me to become a fruitarian.

The first book I read at age 19, according to health was Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System, which convinced me to become a fruitarian.


Lots of damage.


I thought he died by hitting his head on the ground?


He was blacking out. He was having all kinds of disorders, was sugar disorders. He was so skinny, he was thinner than you sweetheart, and he was dry, so dry skinned. He would sugar out, he would just freak out. He was not a nice healthy man

Ever try having sex without mucus? Is that any fun?


Not recently.


Can you imagine blowing your nose or breathing without mucus protecting you, you'd be dry and blistered. Mucus is so important.

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