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Hello folks. I had another motorcycle accident six weeks ago.
I took all the skin off from here to here, all of it off there. The reason this isn't healing like the last one healed in 12 days is I put the lime juice on it and then the honey, and then the coconut cream and then the meat. But this one didn't because I didn't hit pavement.
There was a road under construction in the Philippines and they use big rocks, not gravel, and they use layers of gypsum. Gypsums what they use in drywall, cause it's very drying, 5 times more drying than sulfur. So, they had layers of gypsum on this, and they had a section where there was a part of the road done, it was coned off, so you couldn't use it. And this was gravel with gypsum and the traffic is supposed to wait for one direction to finish before the next. They didn't wait for me to finish and a van came barreling 100 kilometers an hour, knocked me right off the bike and hit the gravel, didn't even stop.
So, this is all gypsum in here. You can see it looks like sandpaper. The lime in Philippines is not real lime, it's like orange. So, even though it's very green and small, it's more like orange.
So, what would be something that would be drawing that would pull the gypsum out?
Well, gypsums gonna draw itself out and I did find that aloe helped. I strapped a piece of aloe to it, which helped for about a week. But I had to let the white cells just take it out. So, I lost a lot of white cells, that's why I'm very thin right now cause I lost a lot of fat. White cells are fat to pull the gypsum out.
It's almost finished now, but it's still very painful.
How long is that? How many weeks?
It's been six weeks.
Six weeks!
When I had the accident two years ago, when I split this femur down the center and broke the tibia off into the femur joint. That took me only six weeks to heal, and I had twice as much skin gone.
This whole bone here was shaved off, this bone was shaved off and this bone shaved off and this healed fast because I didn't land on the gypsum like the leg did. So, this skin was all gone, this was ripped all the way down to the bone and all that was gone to the bone. But you see how quickly it goes without the gypsum.
Another problem was I went to get some honey and this woman sold me honey, it wasn't truly honey and I didn't find that out til 9 days of putting this other junk on.
What they do is they make a honey, they've got a fruit in in Philippines that if you put it with sweet and low, that's what they do.
It was sweet and low. It tastes like Thai honey. So, I had just come from Thailand, so I saw Thai honey. I thought, oh they got Thai honey. So, after putting that on for nine days, and it was looking worse and worse and I knew it wasn't from just from the gypsum.
So, I asked the taxi driver to help me to apply it to work on it cause it was still open this far and it was quite a mess. So, he came in and he goes to put the honey on and said, "This isn't honey. This is a mixture that they make and they call it Thai honey and it's really not. They make it with sweet and low or as you know, aspartame and all these chemicals".
So I was drinking, I drank about a cup of that. Plus put it on my leg for all that time. So, for nine days I poisoned my body with this stuff. And then it caused an insulin detox. A lot of people who take insulin as they get older, the insulin builds up and it causes toxicity like this.
And of course they have their toes amputated and feet and all on up. So, I hadn't had insulin since I was 22 years old, but for some reason that forced insulin detoxification. And I used to shoot it here in my thigh cuz I didn't like shooting in my arms, I shot it in my arms a lot, so I started getting the same detoxifications of insulin.
It smelled exactly like the insulin I used to shoot up. So, I had a big sore here that got this big, one on the back of the arm and another one here you can here. They're coming out and I haven't had insulin for 42 years.
And how did you detect that was what it was?
The smell. Just like stuff I used to inject. It's got that sweet, odd odor to it. At least they did. I haven't had it in 42 years, so I don't know what it's like now.
What's the insulin like now?
I never took it.
Oh, you never took it.
They wanted me to, but I never did.
So, I will force it to puss a little bit and most of the time it will run the liquid the same color as the insulin. See, I won't break these because I want to keep pussing until it's clean. It will stop cussing once it's clean.
Now, most people would run to the doctor. Doctor, say, "Oh, you've got a staph infection. We need to give you a lot of antibiotics". So what happens?
The poisons stay in the body, it poisons the body. The body stops digesting, can no longer detoxify. So, then all that matter would stay in there and cause problems.
Now, since I was about 16 years old and started taking the insulin, I had these lumps in my thighs and my thighs were always very large. Right now, you can see on this leg too, but my legs are thinner than they've been since I was 15.5 years old, since I started taking insulin, but I had huge lumps in there that were sore. So, anytime I got a massage, even if it were a light massage I would have pain there. So, I would say you have to be very gentle with my calves. So, here I can push, there's no more lumps.
So, you just have to get through these things. You can't freak out cuz the medical profession get all their training in emergency wards, so everything is panic time. So, and then the pharmaceutical industry wants 'em to think that way because anybody will make a bad decision in a panic and fear.
So, initially when that happened to you, did you just get lime on it right away or?
Like I said, the lime they have, there aren't actually lime. They're oranges, really. They're tiny oranges. So, that didn't work.
And plus I didn't have the proper honey. I didn't have honey at all, until that taxi driver showed me that it was wasn't honey and then he took the, to the place and we got honey. And then the whole, the next day, 90% of the pussing stopped, 90% of the irritation stopped.
So, will that scar over or not? Do you think that'll scar?
Probably not. This right here was just like this and this, there's no scarring there. So, just takes time. You just have to be patient, can't freak out and panic.
So, now what are you doing when you're home?
I don't do anything, but put urine on it. Anything else irritates it, coconut cream, anything irritates, except urine. So, I put old stinky urine on it.
And that does what?
And that keeps it from drying out, getting very sore and it soothes it.
Now, the urine is nothing other than the blood without the red and white blood cells.
So, all the nutrition that's in your blood is what's in the urine with a little ammonia added, so when I put that on, it gets a good supply. Now, right now, everything that it's getting up to the skin is irritated because of the chemicals. So, when I put the urine on, it's getting a fresh coat of nutrients like it would from the blood, from the outside in.
Just once a day?
I usually do once a day.
And you just pour it on?
I pour it on. If I run my fingers over these areas right here, they're like crystals from the mineral buildup and the insulin. Cause the insulin has a tendency to crystallized, so it's very sharp. So, if I touch this, it'll stab inside and be painful. Even my pants can cause pain if they rub it the wrong one.
And how about the one on your shoulder?
I just live with the pain. I just ignore it as much as possible.
And the shoulder, you put urine on that too?
But that's almost all over. These were huge.
I used to shoot my insulin in this arm, until I couldn't take it anymore. Then I started shooting it mainly in this side, but once in a while on side.
So, you'll probably feel better after cuz all the crap?
Yeah, that's what I mean. I think I'll not have that same soreness in the calf now. I'll be able to run better and I'll be able to take massages better.
Are you swollen quite a bit?
Oh yeah, this whole calf, this whole ankle was swollen.
But if you consider the size of my calf, they have normally my calves were huge. So, actually my calf is smaller even with the swelling. So, when the swelling on both legs goes down, my calves are gonna be the smallest they've been since I was probably 13 years old.
And you knew you didn't break anything?
No, didn't break anything.
You didn't have any x-rays or anything.
I didn't have to. When I had the accident 2.5 years ago, the pain was so excruciating in the knee and the shin that I knew I had broken it.
Did you ever have a follow up with that doctor?
No. I wanted to wait till the leg could straighten and it's still not completely straightened. Straighten.
[Attendee #2]
Did you have a short pants on when you fell?
Short pants, short sleeved shirt with a helmet. Did have a helmet on. A rock flew up and hit me here, so I had an abrasion there and a couple here. But this time, I tumbled, I just let myself slide. When I saw this, I was falling over, I kicked the bike away, hit the gravel, and then flipped. So, I probably didn't skid on this for more than probably two feet before I started tumbling.
[Attendee #2]
So, the lesson is...,
Don't ride a motorcycle.
When I drove back, see I left at sunrise from the hotel to go down Palawan Island and I had just gotten there the night before late, and I'd rented the motorcycle just before this place closed at like 9:00 PM, and it was just a motorbike, 125.
It wasn't like a big motorcycle when I had this accident. That was a big Harley about 350 pound bike. This was probably 150 - 175 pounds. And, I left very early on a Sunday morning to go take a tour down the end of the island and they said most of the island doesn't have paved roads.
So, I knew I was getting into, but I had no idea there were crazy drivers that had no respect for anybody on a motorcycle. So, as soon as I had the accident, I was two hours down the island and I had to drive two hours back and I saw everybody on a motorbike when a car would come, they'd go over to the side and almost slow down to a stop.
Now I've been on six other islands in the Philippines and nobody drove like that, but here they do no, respect for motorcyclists.
I thought you were gonna say not to trust anybody's that's honey and this and that.
That too. I was really upset with that woman.
You couldn't taste it?
They learned to mix it so well that it tastes identical to Thai honey; the thickness and everything. But it didn't react that way, I was getting dizzy, I was getting nauseous and I thought it was just the gypsum getting into the blood and it was the honey.
It wasn't until the 9th day till I got the true honey and then a lot of the symptoms stopped right away.
[Attendee #2]
So, you applied the honey for what? To heal?
Yeah, it helps heal. You read my books?
[Attendee #2]
I talk about it increases healing five times.