Morgellons, Skin, Military Putting Tiny Bugs In Your Skin




morgellons disease







Like getting something underneath in my armpits, and I think it's more morgellons. It gets like a rash and it's very itchy and it's just weird.


Are there fibers in it?


I haven't noticed any kind of fibers.


Then it's not morgellons. Jjust remember, 90% of toxins leave through the skin.

You're always going to get eruptions. Anytime you're detoxifying.


And even if it's really itchy, huh?


Itchy just means that the poison is so toxic that it's robbed the fats out of the surrounding cells, so they're drying up and that's the itch. So, you put the primal facial body care cream on, or some bone marrow or butter.

Defend the cells. Make sure the cells have enough fat to be pulled from when the toxin comes. through. Because if there's not enough fat and the only fat that that cell has is inside of itself, if it gives it up, it's going to dry out just like you would.


But there's no cure from more morgellons?


Well, clay helps. Well, I got it from these three injections. So, I had fibers and little insects coming outta my skin like crazy.


When did they come out? When would you see those?


It was about probably a week after I got injected.


Oh, really? Wow.

[Attendee #2]

can you explain morgellons? I've never heard of that.


It's a condition where the body's detoxing through the skin fibers with insects attached. Now where the military has been using this as a war tool since about the late 1950s, they put like fly eggs and they embed them in these fibers. So, they go around spraying them in the air, they disperse them somehow in the air.

It's mostly from aerial spraying and people inhale these, the fiber gets absorbed into the tissue, the egg hatches. So, you've got a live fly this tiny little microscopic fly living on, and for some reason, it's like legs are entwined in the fibers and it can't get loose. So, it does tremendous damage as it comes to the skin.

All of these scars that you see on here, all of these were from that occurrence and I've got some big ones. These here like bullet holes. You can see these here.


You actually see them?


Yeah, definitely. Look at em over a microscope. Have lots of them from that those 3 injections.


Like a scab?


Yeah. Well, it doesn't come out like a scab at first. Comes out like a very inflamed sore.

[Attendee #2]

So, now you're completely over it?


Yeah, I don't have it. Well, I'll get a breakoutm maybe once every two months they'll start coming out. You can see all these. Thousands of 'em all over my body.

So, I've got all these tiny little scars. At first they weren't tiny, they were big like this one, but this was, see this size right here?




This was five times bigger than that a year ago when it came out. This little one here was five times that size last year. So, they're shrinking little by little.

These over here were even larger.


So just your diet alone-?


Took care of It, yeah.

I ate more clay than I'd ever done before. A lot of clay.


Like more than a tablespoon a day.


Yeah, sometimes I had three tablespoons a day. Break it up. Four ounces of milk, tablespoon of the clay three times daily.


And what else did you do, Aajonus? Because you look so much better from the last time when I saw you.


I'm just eating more clay.

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