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Type of molds that are dangerous. What can harm you? And then do you have any recipe for in case I was exposed to mold and to stop it from?
Any mold that grows on a building that is not wood, is not concrete, is a toxic mold cuz it's feeding on the building materials, the fabricated building materials, it's always a toxic substance.
It will always be a toxic mold, a toxic fungus, and when it spores, you breathe those in. What you have to do to the environment, to your walls, wherever it's contaminated. You need to dry out the room, wear a mask, vacuum the walls and the ceiling and the floors. Then you have to wash it down with vinegar and some non-aluminum baking soda and a little bit of the Biokleen degreaser, cleaner degreaser.
And what that has in it, they use grapefruit seed oil and lemon peel oil in that particular soap detergent, and it's the only one that I know is 98% biodegradable, all the others say biodegradable, including seventh, whatever they call themselves seventh generation, and like 12% is biodegradable. Everything else is toxic.
So, when they say you have something as biodegradable, it's usually a false statement. Very little bit of that is biodegradable. Anyway, wash the walls down thoroughly and you wear a mask this whole time, and then you have to dry out the walls. You need some space heaters, coil based space heaters, those things get coil and orange hot.
Two or three of them per room. If you're doing a room at a time and then you need to seal off one of the rooms with some kind of a canvas in between to keep the heat in there, cuz it needs to get up to about 130° and that'll bake it through into the wall. You need to do that for about two days, bake it.
So, you destroy the mold deep into the wall, and then you need to vacuum it again, cuz it will spore as it's first getting warm. The mycelium, which is the basic mother of the fungus is setting out little spores, and they create those little fuzzy things. Those are your mushrooms, those are your spores.
So, you need to vacuum that then you're okay until you have another rain spell or moisture spell. If you don't keep your house very dry. If you're living in at a beach where it's always moist, you're in trouble. You may have to do that every month, every two months.
If your house is made of wood?
If your house is made of wood, no problem.
What about the paint from the mold?
The paint. That's a problem. That mold is not a problem with an animal's body, including ours. But if the paint's getting moldy, you've got trouble, plaster board, any of it that.
Cause what it does is mycelium digests the paint, makes it into flakes. The mycelium that's grown on paint is very toxic substance, when it spores and that becomes powder in the air and we inhale it, it poisons your lungs. It poisons your whole body.