Mineral Supplements






If I understand, sometimes like 10 minutes before a meal, you can eat just a little bit of cheese, but for a snack, you have to have it with honey.  


I wouldn't say as a snack you have to with honey. If you want to absorb the minerals in the cheese, you have to have it with honey. That is a mineral supplement. 

People sell you mineral supplements, you're eating rock. You could do better by eating dirt than you will assimilating any kind of rock in those tablets or in powder form. It's also poisonous. Those minerals are what trees and plants eat. They digest by causing fungus, which is rust, rust breaks down metal, they eat metal. That's their process, we don't. That's highly toxic to us. 

Rusts are toxic. The worst-case incidents of disease created by rust is what? Lock jaw. 

Rusts are not for human consumption. So, every time you take a mineral supplement in a tablet form, or powder form, you're eating rock, that is not on our diet. There are some chairs there. You can just open them up, open them, open them down. So, used to those preposition phrases. 

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