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Yeah, you've said a few times don't gulp your milk, sip it. Why? Because I love gulping milk.
His question is he likes to gulp his milk and I say don't gulp milk, and he wants to know why, because he likes to gulp his milk.
And I sip it thinking Aajonus says, but every time I go, why though? So, now I get to ask you.
What happens when you gulp any fluid? The H2O rushes from the nutrients and goes to the kidneys. You throw it off, you don't get to absorb it. When you suckle like a baby, you get lots of extra enzymes in the mouth. Those go into the milk, it's easily. digestible, even in the juices. They will be absorbed and distributed evenly and nicely, when you gulp, rushes to the kidney, you lose a lot of nutrients that way.
I stopped gulping no matter what, I just don't gulp anymore. I cut my food down probably $60 a week just by doing that. Because I gain more weight now and I don't have to drink as much milk or eat as much.
Like sometimes I'm really, really thirsty. Like I'm an outside in the sun.
Then you take one of those baby bottles with you and you suck on it all day like a sports person. You see tennis players out, they'll be sucking on it all day. Don't go hours without drinking, sip all the time.
Well, if you come back, as long as you sip it, like take a sip, let it go through slowly, then you can follow it by another sip. It's not the quantity, it's just the fact that it goes down slowly.
It goes down slowly, is able to it enough time to assimilate. So, that takes time. Let's say you take a sip every minute. You can handle that. But most people just go too long.
So, it's good to sip every 10,15 minutes.
But a sip every 15 seconds, wouldn't be okay?
It wouldn't assimilate as well. It's gonna rush to the kidneys.
You want a minute in between sips?