Milk Allergy






cold milk




I seem to have a problem with raw milk. I've tried it even leaving it at room temperature for 24 hours. Tried it with the honey. I still have a problem where it makes me tired and I just feel bloated and I just don't feel great. 


Do you have any cramping?  




Then you don't have an allergy to the milk. You've got a detoxification of your nervous system. or your glandular system or both, and that makes you tired. It's trying to get you to relax and sleep a lot to heal and restructure those glands or neurological system and some people have to go through that and it could be three to six months. 

So, you just leave your milk for eating later in the day.  


So, cramping is the key indicator? 


Cramping is the key indicator that you've got an allergy. That's mainly from drinking milk cold because if the milk goes in cold the stomach contracts, doesn't secrete hydrochloric acid, the milk moves into duodenum without proper digestion, casein and the lactate get into the blood without digestion, and that causes cramping in the intestines from the part that's moving down undigested and that gets into the bloodstream, causes different reactions.  


But if it wasn't cold. it might not, perhaps it wouldn't cause an allergic reaction? Only if it's cold? 


Yeah. Well, some people just lack hydrochloric acid in their stomach and they lack other enzymes for digesting caseine and lactate.  


What about if you haven't eaten anything and you're detoxifying and getting really bad cramping?  


That's toxins passing through your intestinal walls, causing cramping. 

It doesn't have anything to do with an allergen. If you have an allergen of milk, you'll know it 20 minutes after eating.  


What if you eat something and get like prickles on your skin?  


That's just nerve detoxification. 


Cold kefir is okay, correct?  


Cold kefir is fine. As long as the milk is already predigested by the bacteria, it's fine.  

[Attendee #2] 

You mean cold? You mean fridge cold? 


Refrigerated, yeah.  


You can drink it cold? 

[Attendee #2] 

Right out of the refrigerator, cold. Cause it's already predigested. 

Some people don't have the enzymes to digest it right away. Page three or four, like I said in the book, if you've got a true allergy and you have those symptoms of cramping or vomiting or diarrhea within 20 minutes after drinking of milk or a combination of those symptoms, then you should only drink two to four ounces a day for about three months until your body sets up a new process. 

9/10 times it will be corrected in that amount of time. 

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