Military Is Terrible



immune system



Where the fuck are the Russians? They never made it here. It's a ploy to keep the military in business. Eisenhower, probably the only sensible president we've had this last 100 years. Listen, he was a general, a five-star general, nd do you know what he said?  

Our worst enemy is the military industrial complex. You cannot plan for war and expect peace. This came from a general who lived war, who lived defense. 

Forget that whole concept. Immune system, forget it. It's an absurdity. 

As you eat bacteria, you become equipped to commingle with them, to work symbiotically with them. It isn't a war thing. It's like saying I marry you because you're, a man and I don't like men. I like women, but I'm going to marry you because I wanna be a strong asshole. I mean, hello? Hello. 

Is that the way you wanna spend your life, preparing for the things that you don't like? 

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