Meat Types For Children


different meats





More honey and butter, but not with the meat. So, just have less with the meat, but honey and butter frequently.


What I'm doing too is like with my grandson, I'm making his bottle with chicken. Is that okay?


Chicken and milk.




That's fine.


What about fish and milk. Not red meat.


That's okay.


Beef and milk too?


Yeah, a lot of my infants, like I say in the book, it is half milk and half Buffalo liver or live with a tiny bit of honey. I got one kid that's five years old and just entered the fourth grade. Well, not just, last year entered the fourth grade. So, take a look at that.


But also with beef?


Well, that's liver. I've never done it with just beef cause it's too much muscularly oriented. So, the beef liver, yes or Buffalo liver. But any of those will work. If he's a really mellow child without a lot of energy, you might wanna try some red meat, liver.

[Attendee #2]

He's not mellow.


Then you don't want to give him red meat. Keep with the chicken and fish.

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