Meat Meal After High Meat, Lube Formula, Cheese Schedule


high meat

meat meal

diet schedule

eating schedule

lubrication formula




We have to wait an hour? Let's say if you have your high meat at 5:00 PM, you wait an hour for your regular meat?  


No, you can eat it 10 minutes later.  


10 minutes later. Your regular meat meal with the lube formula, the lemon and everything in it? 




That's all it takes is 10 minutes?  


Yeah, but you know, if you have the lube formula, It might be better to wait 10 minutes after you finish your meat meal cause the lemon might neutralize some of that and prevent it from absorption the same way.  


You sure it's 10 minutes though? 


If you're having meat with butter, if you're having the lube formula, you might want to wait to have the lube formula after you finished the meat meal.  


10 minutes after. 

And then you could have half an hour after that, 35 minutes after that, you could have the cheese and honey.  


Yeah. Well, what I've done, I've changed that a little bit. 25 minutes after you've finished the meat, have a little sugar cube sized amount of cheese, 10 minutes after that you have your cheese and honey, because I don't want any poisons getting into the honey and cheese. 


That's only if you have high meat?  


No, no, no. That's any time after a meat meal.  


You wait 10 minutes after you have the sugar cube? 


After you have that little sugar cube. 

You go 25 minutes after you finish the meat meal, you have a little sugar cube amount of cheese and then 10 minutes after that you have your cheese and honey together for your mineralization. 


It's something different.  


Yeah. I just wanna be sure that you don't get any poisons from the stomach lining or the intestinal walls into the cheese that's going to digest and get your mineral supplement when you eat it with the honey, just like I have you eating cheese 10 minutes before everything, absorb the poisons, so when you eat your meal, whether it's fruit or meat or milkshake or whatever, the poisons are not gonna get into your food that's going to be digested.  


So, if you have the fruit meal, it's the same thing again? 10 minutes before the fruit- 


You have a piece of cheese. 


10 minutes after you eat your fruit meal, you have another half a teaspoon?  




Oh. That's only for the meat meal? 


Only for the meat meal to have cheese and honey together.  


I'm talking about the sugar cube after the fruit meal.  


No, you eat it before. 


A teaspoon, that's what I have. 

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