





What about rubber foam mattress? 


They gas five years. 


But latex? 


Latex will gas for five years. 


But I thought it was natural? 


Well, if they're using true rubber latex, but if they're using a polymer with it... 

Latex is a rubber, but a lot of times they're using polymers with, you know, plastic.  

Epoxy, they are using epoxy to bind the rubber together and that's plastic, that's the thing that will gas the BPA. 

Well, I had a rubber mattress made, 100% latex, all-natural rubber. I was nothing, but over hot, [unclear] constantly. 

So, what I did was I had an organic futon made to go on top of it. So, I used that as my spring. 

$1200 dollar box spring. 


Organic, but made of what? 


100% organic cotton if you had it made, I had mine made. 


They have an option where you can do layer of wool on top, like a pillow of wool. So, would be as good as a futon? 


Actually, mine was made of 20% wool and 20% cotton because it sponges more, but it's all organic. 

But, if you go to a company now, they'll want to charge almost $2000 for that, but I went to the futon company on LIBREA and I said OK, I want an all cotton- you know that particular mixture, but I want it all organic. 

"So, we're gonna have to charge a lot of money for that", it end up costing me only $600 for an 8-inch-thick queen size mattress. It would've cost me $2000.  

But that was $400 more than their regular futons, so that was a great bargain. 

But I had to go buy my own material because all their materials are polyester, partially polyester. 

So, I had to go buy a fabric. 

And get the amount that I needed, the yardage that I needed and get down the material. But they built it all for me. 


So, they have the organic filling? 


They were able to buy it, yep. So, I had two of them made because I have an outside bed and an inside. 


I was just going to go with the 100% latex. 


But the latex one, let me tell you, you will have trouble with perspiring, it molds. 

Your perspiration comes down and all of a sudden you have black mold, and it was horrific. 

So, I made a futon to put on top and it was perfect. 


So, what's the percentage of cotton and wool in the futton? 


20% wool and 80% cotton. It keeps a better touch, it springs better. It feels really good. 


What's the best bed to get that doesn't have all these retardants. 


There's none. California has a law where you have to put borax or some other fire retardant in it.  

So, I invented a doctor and wrote a letter that said he's allergic to borax, do not put any fire retardant in it.  

So, they made my futon without fire retardants in it. 


That's the only way to get it? 


That's the only way to get it. 

'cause it is a law.  


Even organic? 


Even organic. Doesn't make a difference, they still have to put a fire retardant in it. 

Unless you can find a chiropractor that say's doctor on it, these guys don't know. 

You get a note from a doctor, they won't put it in there. 


Why would you want to use a box spring? 


Because it makes it firm. 


But you could find a cheap latex mattress if you don't care about a box spring, you can get it for like $700. 


Well, I don't like box springs because they have metal, and I'm very sensitive and I'll wake up with radio sounds going through my head in my sleep, so I don't like that. If a siren goes off 50 miles away, for some reason the metal will just drive it in my brain. So, I can't use any metal in my bed. 

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