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marinating meat
food preparation
meat meal
I marinate my fish in lime juice.
But I've told you many times, lime is an antibacterial. So, don't do it's. Lemon is the thing to marinate, once in a while you can do lime juice. But mainly lemon juice for marination,
Does lemon or lime juice ruin the teeth?
Well, neither will ruin the teeth, unless you're eating them too much and you don't have enough fat. Okay. Okay. I have a beef. Okay. Something about that. Yes. I have found be order to ask you this,
Do you have a question?
I have found that by adding half orange to half lemon, it doesn't whiten the meat with the chicken or fish, so I can leave it there longer and it doesn't go all that quite horrible as if it's been broken down.
That's fine. I marinate sometimes in grapefruit juice.
Yes. It's much better.
Grapefruit juice in fish is phenomenal, and it isn't near as strong. It isn't even a fifth as strong as lemon. But some people don't like the taste of grapefruit.
The orange and lemon is beautiful.
Japanese use oranges a lot for that.