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The malaria story and you made the coconut water, lemon and honey concoction.
That made me think of a question. Then you mentioned the a1, a2 thing on the milk. So, that was the question. While you were telling your malaria story, Stacy had told me when she was in the Thailand several years ago, they were telling her, this is just a further illustrate the ridiculousness of these malaria mosquito bite stories. So take it away.
If you got bitten by a mosquito during the daytime, you would get malaria. If you got bitten by a mosquito at night, you would get dengue fever
And just think about it. What do mosquitoes eat? They eat nectar. They pollinate the tiny little flowers the bee got on it would crush the flower, the whole plant, like tiny little micro clover and stuff like that.
That's what mosquitoes do, they pollinate tiny little flowers. They don't eat shit, so how are you gonna get dengue fever? Hello?
They were ready to kill each other out of paranoia, out of, they were like delusional on the medication.
Yeah. And what happened three years ago with that English boy, he came over, took the malaria every day? He got malaria and died. Famous British citizen, so it went all over the place and it's documented in his diary how he took the medication every day, died of malaria. So, it's all horseshit.
So, the concoction, the coconut water, lemon, lime. I was just gonna say, you'd mentioned a protein deficiency. That certainly is not a protein-rich concoction.
What's going on during the so-called malaria that they're calling it is a detox of what? What are these people's detoxing?
Highly acidic proteins.
Like their cooked meats you mean?
Yeah, like their cooked meats, they also use a lot of spices, a lot of hot spices, and when you're low in protein and you're doing that you cause internal burning all over the place. And when you're detoxing that much at one time, it's a huge detoxification. It's worse than pneumonia. Because pneumonia you're not usually passing out and delirious. Most people aren't.
But when you're going through malaria, you're delirious. Everything's going crazy.
Okay, so it's just a crazy detox.
Extreme detox.
Extreme detox brought on by a climate, you don't see malaria and dry climates really?
No. it's cuz you detox better in a high hot climate.
Right. So, if those people were eating the way you eat, there wouldn't be any.
Yeah. And also you got higher fevers in a tropical environment So, your fever's gonna get higher and you're gonna have more symptoms of delirium.
So, the coconut water and that cools the system?
Well, what it basically does is help the body alkanize the over acidity from the deteriorating tissue.
When you eat a lot of hot, spicy food, it causes over over acidity and not a good acidity, an abrasive vicinity.