Live Cell Analysis Is A Scam




uric acid



Those are the most ridiculous things. If I take any of you, a bunch of you and I smear you on a glass plate, I mean, flatten you and squeeze your guts out all over, how is that going to be able to identify what's gonna happen? You're gonna have microbes, you're gonna have everything come about isntantly as soon as I smear your, your, your, your body and your fluids onto a glass plate, you take live blood and you mash them, they're no longer live blood anymore. You've changed the whole chemistry, you've oxidized it. You've changed in a whole environment where parasites of bacteria will form within seconds, so it doesn't have any apparence with the blood.

But when any of 'em analyze mine, I don't get into that argument, they don't buy it, and I say, "Oh, I have bacteria, and parasites in my blood. Oh, good. I'll be clean and strong". So I don't fool that.


But when they see crystals of uric acid, which wouldn't be changed like that in a second?


Oh yeah. if there's sugar molecules around it certainly will.


Okay. I'm just interested cause they do see uric acid in my live blood cells.


Everybody has uric acid.


In crystal form.


Almost all because of they're eating cooked food.


But if you're on a raw diet.


Oh, that's old toxic stuff and you're going to have it.

[Attendee #2]

It was lacking sodium, and there was a whole bunch of uric acid.


Oh, good, uric acid. You want to get rid of that old toxic uric acid. The only uric acid that will crystallize is from cooked meats, cooked protein. That's the only uric acid that will crystal.

[Attendee #3]

Do the free radicals show up right away as well?


Yeah, as soon as you flatten the blood cells, you're gonna have lead any kind of metal, let's say trace amount and it's healthy and good, they're gonna show up right away, dark and black all around.

[Attendee #3]

You don't think that that procedure is useful for any type of counsel?


I haven't found it good for anything.

They may be the people who have that science down for their particular perspective of approach for health, they have it down to where they can help people who are all not on this kind of a diet, but it has no bearing and no use. In fact, it's harmful what they have to suggest and their conclusions on this diet.

[Attendee #4]

When I consume a vegetable oil, particularly omega-3 oils like flax, I get eczema.


Let me finish that first. Take for example, somebody who's been on a very bad diet all their lives and they've got root canal problems and infection. Now, if a person isn't going to do the diet right and correct it, it's better that they go to that dentist and follow his procedure because they probably are not gonna get well very quickly on this diet if they're not gonna follow the diet well enough to heal if the person is very weakened overall and they have this kind of infection.

So, if you go to a so-called live cell analysis, and if you flatten the cells on a plate and expose them to oxygen, the cells are no longer alive, so the whole idea that it's live cell analysis is absurd. It's a a misnomer, i's ridiculous. You're not watching the behavior of live cells, you're watching the mass quick oxidization, and the destruction of what was live.

[Attendee #5]

They would change their reaction anyway if they're outside the body.


Absolutely, that's it. And then you mash 'em at the same time. So, it's a misnomer, but their particular perspective works in a certain amount of people who are on those kind of diets.


Exactly. It does because they see better results, therefore that's what they do.


It's certainly not ideal for this diet, it's harmful for this diet, people on this diet.

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