Lime Juice and Clay For Abscess



coconut cream



white blood cells



Since the book has been written, well rewritten, I still had the lime in the last rewrite. So, you put lime first and then you put clay on it to draw out the poisons from the abscess.


You put the clay on or you cover it?


You cover it. You have to keep it moist. If it dries out, it's going to cause your skin all around the area to dry out, and then the abscess may go to the whole area if the skin's too dry.


What about taking a shower, and all that?


Take a shower and then put it on and then leave it for that 24 hours.


When it dries do you-


You don't let it dry. You put the clay on, take a piece of plastic that's exactly the size of the clay pack, put that over it, and then wrap that around with like an ACE bandage to keep it from drying out. Don't let it dry out.


And how long do you apply it? Do you just wait till the abscess subsides?


Yes. Well, you might let it breathe overnight, and keep it on during the day.


After my brother took the clay, right away just within 10-15 minutes it started to break open. Do you wait for it to do it naturally, or can you squeeze it to help come out?


Well, it's okay to do that. Most of the abscesses like that are so heavy in toxins, your body won't reabsorb those white blood cells.

When I do it now, I won't do it because my body will have an abscess and then the body will be able to utilize those white blood cells that went in to protect it. So, I don't lose those white. So, they don't just dry on the skin and fall off. But in people who are just getting onto the diet, the concentration of poisons are usually so absorbed into the white cells, it's not good to reabsorb them. So breaking it open and letting it puss right away is fine. Even though you're losing hundreds of thousands of white blood cells in.


Are you putting any sort of antiseptic or anything?


Lime juice is the only natural antiseptic that's easily gotten. Lemon juice is not, lemon juice does just the opposite.

Lemon juice encourages bacteria and fermentation. Lime juice destroys fermentation, destroys bacteria.


So, when it's dry, you just put mineral water on it?


Well, if you've got that piece of plastic in there, it's not going to dry and the bandage over that, it won't dry. Just don't let the plastic touch your skin. Just have it covering the clay.

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